Additional Information Needed to Assess Her Weight-Related Health Condition


The information provided in the case scenario is insufficient to adequately assess the girl's health condition. The child's medical history is one of the most incredible pieces of information that would enhance the efficacy of the assessment. Her health history would provide information to determine the causes of her health condition and other treatments that the child has taken. In addition, information on the child's nutritional lifestyle would be vital to determine whether or not her condition is nutrition-related (Martin et al., 2014). The parents' medical history, nutritional lifestyle, and Body Mass Index (BMI) would also be vital information for effective assessment of the child's condition. The child's BMI will also provide accurate information regarding the child's health status. Potential Risks and Information Needed The girl is likely to lack adequate nutrients to support her physiological and psychological needs. Hence, the potential risks associated with the scenario are stunted growth and development. Furthermore, the girl is at risk of depression mental and emotional disorders like depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations due to bullying (Källmén & Hallgren, 2021). Gathering information from the family would be based on professionalism and competence. For instance, it would be vital to have an interpreter to break the language barrier and gather adequate information from the parents. Other ethical considerations like empathy should also be adhered to when collecting more information from the family. It would enhance the provider-patient relationship and allow the patient and parents to provide sensitive information for assessment

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