Additional Aspects Managers and Leaders Would Need to Initiate in Order to Ensure Professionalism Throughout Diverse Health Care Settings


Nursing managers and leaders form a crucial part when it comes to the general operations and conducts of nurses within a specific institution. They both act as the driving force for the nurses and thus they must keep the operation engine running at all times. To ensure that this is achieved, managers and leaders must come up with additional aspects that will ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings. For leaders, drafting of implementable policies and guidelines is crucial as these steers the institution into a known direction for achieving the set goals. As such, the leader must involve the manager who will ensure that the existing policies are familiarized with the nursing staff and they are clear and understandable (Haque et al., 2019).Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management.

Furthermore, initiating programs such as educational seminars and benchmarking tours will expose the nurses to the changing global standards of conduct and operations that will enhance their professionalism and eventually realize improvement inpatient care service delivery, as well as patient safety (Thompson, 2006).  Moreover, the communication gap may lead to conflict, non-operational, or duplication of duties. To avoid this, the nurse leader and the manager must work together to ensure that they come up with a proper hierarchy of communication which will ensure a free flow of information for actions to be taken in time. As conflict reduces, morale increases, and thus the sense of recognition leading to progress and minimization of undesirable events such as nurse turnover (Martin, 2004).Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management.

A Leadership Style That Would Best Address the Nurse Turnover

There exist different leadership styles that are uniquely applied to different leadership situations. For the nursing leadership style that can best deal with nurse turnover, coaching leadership style is the best style to apply. This is for the fact that a leader who applies such style always sees potential in people and talents to be developed (Sinclair, 2013). In doing so, they direct people into the right way of doing things and exercise the freedom to create responsibilities and accountability which makes people feel part of the organization (Haque et al., 2019). This creates career growth and opportunities unleashing capabilities by individuals thus reducing the turnover that greatly emanates from hindrance for career growth and lack of sense of belonging (Martin, 2004).Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management.


In a recap, nurse turnover is a vital issue when it comes to healthcare management. For this fact, nursing leaders, as well as nursing managers, must always work together and fulfill their different roles that touch on the working experiences of the nurses. The nurse turnover does not only make institutions incur unimaginable costs, but as well, it negatively affects in a great way the quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs. Although nurse turnover challenge remains a hinderance to the overall management of the healthcare sector, proper policing and observation of professional standards may greatly reduce the effects of this menace.Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management.

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