According to the Federal government Healthy people 2020, The SDOH is defined as “the conditions in the environment in which people are born, learn, live, play, work, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks”. The Social Determined of health (SDOH), which affects the family health status, according to the assessment and interview, conducted on topic 2, identified the individual domain as an environmental factor affecting his Health.

Exposure to adverse SDOH factors can increase the level of stress experienced by individuals, which can raise the risk of experiencing mental health issues, and substance use problems, like alcohol abuse, these are some of the issues that are prevalent in this individual identified by our evaluation assessment. The reason these factors are prevalent is because of the environment the family is exposed to.

Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment we recommend the appropriate screenings for each family member begin at an early age, children are sometimes exposed to traumas like divorce, Neighborhood violence, alcohol or substance use by family, for example, and are disproportionately exposed to trauma likely to be vulnerable to substance use. However, exposure to adverse events during childhood is associated with an increased likelihood of developing mental health conditions and substance and alcohol abuse disorders in adulthood. Children living in poverty and racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to experience adverse childhood events, children with parents with mental health conditions also are more likely to develop mental health conditions, same with alcoholic parents, children are more likely to become alcoholics Lindsey M, (2020).

The health plan I choose for our individual plan of action will be a prevention model that initiatives focus on implementing coordinated strategies across different sectors in neighborhoods with social, economic, and environmental barriers because that leads to poor health outcomes and health disparities. Prevention improving the educational, economic, and health outcomes of the community through a broad range of family-based, social service, and health programs ODPHP, (2020

According to (PMC, 2020). Family-centered health promotion is a promising strategy because the family unit is both, a resource, and a priority group needing preventive services across the life course, growing numbers of successful efforts, family health systems are underutilized in health promotion practice, lacking, and hampering the collection of robust evidence of family health. Family unity plays a significant role in maintaining health and preventing disease because members may support and nurture one another through life stages and over time. According to “The family’s capacity to nurture, care, protect, teach, and influence throughout the life course makes it an effective entry point in the promotion and maintenance of individual and collective health and a vital component for public health practice.” The strategies of communication will be used with channels that can allow health messages that change people’s lives with interpersonal, small group, or community groups, Health communication strategies aim to change people’s knowledge, attitudes, and/or behaviors, for example:

Increase risk perception

Reinforce positive behaviors

Influence social norms

Increase availability of support and needed services

Empower individuals to change or improve their health conditions. (RHIH,2022).


“The family or household setting is the natural place where many health behaviors, good or bad, are developed, maintained, and changed. Preliminary research confirms that family-oriented health promotion and disease prevention are promising strategies because the family unit is both a resource and a priority group needing preventative and curative services across the life course. Furthermore, there are growing numbers of successful efforts, family health systems are underutilized in health promotion practice.” RHIH, (2022).

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