A Woman with Personality Disorder. Examine Case 1: You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this client. Be sure to consider co-morbid physical as well as mental factors that might impact the client’s diagnosis and treatment. At each Decision Point, stop to complete the following: Decision #1: Differential Diagnosis Which Decision did you select? Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

A Woman with a Personality Disorder


The client in this case study is a 32-year-old woman who presented with symptoms such as being manipulative, exploitative, deceitful, and blaming other people for her mistakes. The client also does not have remorse as she is not sorry for not paying back her friends’ money but instead blames them. The patient also manifests irresponsibility in her job and finances and breaks the law in terms of stealing, being imprisoned for 120 days, and engaging in unnecessary fights. A Woman with Personality Disorder.The disorder also began manifesting during childhood as she stated that she started having problems as a kid. There are various types of personality disorders and the client manifests symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. DSM-5 criteria stipulate symptoms of antisocial personality disorder to manifest as a pattern of social recklessness, exploitative, guiltless behavior, and being manipulative (Back et al., 2015). Additionally, people with this disorder disregard and violate the rights of other people; the diagnosis should be done when the person is aged 18 years and above, and the behavioral misconduct should present before the person is 15-years-old. Moreover, people with an antisocial personality disorder do not adhere to the law and set regulations; have difficulties sustaining employment; are unable to sustain relationships; and often manipulate and deceit others for their personal gain. This paper will decide the diagnosis for this client and then make two decisions about the client’s treatment plan. The paper will also discuss the ethical aspects applicable and relevant to the client’s treatment plan.A Woman with Personality Disorder.

Decision Point One

The diagnosis for this client is an anti-social personality disorder. This is because the client manifests symptoms consistent with the symptoms of this disorder. According to the DSM-5 criteria, symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include disregard for the law and social norms; persistent lying to exploit other people; being disrespectful and callous; violating the law and rights of other people; impulsiveness and inability to plan; aggression and violence; lack of empathy; irritability; poor interpersonal relationships; failure to fulfill financial or work obligations; and engaging in risky and irresponsible behaviors (Ekselius, 2018). A Woman with Personality Disorder.The client in this case study manifests symptoms such as inability to maintain relationships with her friends and boyfriend; lack of remorse; engaging in violent behaviors such as where she thrashed a lady with a baseball bat; being irresponsible in her finances; inability to maintain employment; breaking the law, for example by stealing and illegal possession of a gun and illegal drugs; and blaming her friends for her mistakes.A Woman with Personality Disorder.

By selecting the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, it is expected that this is the correct diagnosis for this client and hence it will facilitate the development of the appropriate treatment plan.A Woman with Personality Disorder.

Decision Point Two

The appropriate decision is to refer the client to a psychologist for psychological testing. The reason for selecting this decision to have the client undergo a comprehensive assessment. The comprehensive assessment will involve the administration of psychological tests to have a standardized and objective assessment of the client’s behavior. Therefore, the client will be administered with numerous clinical tests and inventories to enable identification of any cognitive problem, behavioral problem, or any other mental or personality disorder (Bornstein, 2015).

By referring the client to a psychologist for psychological testing, the expectation is that the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder will be ruled out or confirmed. This is because psychological testing is used to observe and measure the behaviors of clients in order to arrive at a diagnosis and develop the appropriate treatment plan (Waugh et al., 2017). The second expectation is that the psychological tests will reveal and identify other comorbidities and mental issues the client may have.A Woman with Personality Disorder.

As expected, the findings from the comprehensive psychological battery test showed that the client exhibited symptoms of multiple personality disorders. The highest score for this client was in antisocial personality disorder. Therefore, this confirms the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder for this client. However, the client may also be having other comorbidities as demonstrated by symptoms of multiple personality disord

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