A Woman Does Not Have the Right to Choose to Have an Abortion at Any Time During Her Pregnancy

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Carrying out an abortion is wrong and one should consider having one out only under specific or serious instances that pose a health risk to the mother; and even then, it should be carried out under the advice of the doctor. The United States, following a ruling in the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, made abortion legal and all 50 states have different legislations that allow abortion up to or until a certain point during the pregnancy (Alo, 2019). This essay will discuss on why women should not have the right to have an abortion at any time during pregnancy.
A major argument by the woman who is in favor of abortion is that it is ethically and morally right for a woman to do what she wants with her body (De Zordo, 2017). On matters of ethics and, morality, unless the woman is in critical danger due to the pregnancy, they should not carry out an abortion. Abortion is the killing of a live being in the uterus of the woman and such an act would make one an intentional killer. The baby, or fetus, is a live creature and thus, the sanctity of life needs to be respected and protected; thus, the deliberate killing of a fetus cannot be justified (De Zordo, 2017).
Life begins at conception and killing it would demand a very reasonable and logical moral basis to support it; doing so just for convenience is cruel and inhumane. Abortion also has many risks that may affect the way the body functions. Infections, heavy bleeding, and destruction of the uterine walls are some of the serious issues that may prevail, thus, negatively impacting the woman over the long term (Alo, 2019).

Alo, F. C. (2019). A Critical Discourse on The Morality of Abortion. Nnamdi Azikiwe Journal of Philosophy, 11(2), 126-136.
De Zordo, S. (2017). The moral case for abortion Ann Furedi.

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