A literature review analyzes on Obesity based on PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table

Current research provides viewpoints that support PICOT. The focus is on eight research papers that provide information on the concept. Each researcher involved has established a set of research questions, used appropriate and varied sample population, and established several conclusions. Each study had a set of limitations that provided a basis for the recommendations the researchers proposed for further future study on the subject. The essay prepares an analysis of the sections listed and identifies the information that is known and unknown from the evidence collected.
Comparison of Research Questions
The research questions involved in the studies are as follows. The first group focused on the Impact on Professional Quality of Life and Turnover (Austin, Saylor & Finley, 2017). The study focused on moral distress and sought to determine the effects the matter has on the professional lives of physicians. The research question was ‘What impact does moral distress in physicians have on the professional quality of life and turnover?’ The second research paper was on The Effect of Nurse‐Physician Collaboration on Job Satisfaction, Team Commitment, and Turnover Intention in Nurses (Galletta, Portoghese Carta, D’aloja & Campagne, 2016). The research sought to investigate the factors that affect levels of satisfaction amongst doctors and nurses. The research question was the effect of the collaboration between physicians and nurses on team commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover intention among nurses. The third paper was on A Qualitative Study of Experienced Nurses’ Voluntary Turnover: Learning from their Perspectives (Hayward, Bungay, Wolff & Mac Donald, 2016). The researchers investigated some factors that contributed to the turnover of experienced nurses. The research question focused on the factors of contribution to the turnover of experienced nurses, which was inclusive of the decision to quit practice settings in search of alternate nursing employment. The fourth study was on Nurse Engagement in Shared Governance and Patient and Nurse Outcomes (Kutney-Lee et al., 2016). The research question was the effect of the governance of nurses on the satisfaction of patients.
The fifth article was on The Mediating Effect of Emotional Intelligence between Emotional Labour, Job Stress, Burnout, and Nurses’ Turnover Intention (Hong & Lee, 2016). The paper aimed to ascertain the effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance. The research question was on the mediating effect of emotional intelligence among job stress, emotional labor, burnout, and turnover intention in nurses. The sixth paper was on Work‐Related Factors, Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave the Current Job among United States Nurses (Han, Trinkoff & Gurses, 2015). The purpose of the research was to recognize the job factors that affect satisfaction among employed nurses. The research question focused on the work-related factors that influence satisfaction and intentions to leave current employment among nurses in the US. The next paper was on Effects of Role Stress on Nurses’ Turnover Intentions: the Mediating Effects of...

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