A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence nursing literature review essay example. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections:


Introduction: Nicotine is presented a highly addictive psychoactive substance that requires a structured strategy to address the behavioral and biological aspects of the addiction. NRT is presented as one strategy that could be effective in smoking cessation efforts. The purpose is to provide evidence that supports NRT being recommended as an efficiency cessation tool for smokers who have expressed the intention to quit smoking. nursing literature review essay example.

Comparison of research questions: The eight articles under review all address NRT use among young adult smokers.

Comparison of sample population: The eight studies are categorized as qualitative and quantities studies with the qualitative studies recruiting a smaller sample of participants (between 11 and 15 smokers) while the quantitative studies recruited a larger sample of participants (between 100 and 3,094 smokers).

Comparison of limitations: The qualitative studies recruited a small population sample that reduced their generalizability nursing literature review essay example. Additionally, some of the research aims are too broad. The current research intends to address the limitations by recruiting a large sample of participants that will improve results generalizability and focusing on NRT as a single smoking cessation strategy.

Conclusion: Overall, the present research intends to present evidence that supports NRT use among smokers who have presented quitting intention to improve cessation efficiency.


Nicotine is identified as a highly addictive psychoactive substance. In fact, it is behaviorally and biologically addictive making it difficult for cigarette smokers to quit as any quitting action would be accompanied by withdrawal symptoms (Barbeau, Burda & Siegel, 2013). To address the concern that links quitting with harm, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has been proposed. The therapy acts by replacing nicotine with a less harmful material so that the behavioral and biological aspects of smoking are not disrupted (Silla, Beard & Shahab, 2014). As such, nursing practitioners should recommend NRT for smokers who have expressed the intention to quit in order to improve the cessation efficiency. nursing literature review essay example.

A comparison of research questions

The present research intends to compare the cessation efficiency of NRT against other smoking cessation therapies with the intention of identifying the most efficient approach for use by cigarette smokers intending to quit. nursing literature review essay example. As such, it intends to answer the question of: Is NRT is more efficient than other smoking cessation therapies to justify special attention from nursing personnel? To answer this question, it is prudent to collect secondary information from sources talking about NRT. Buller et al. (2014) asked the question: How useful and effective is nicotine patch (NRT) in smoking cessation interventions? Silla, Beard and Shahab (2014) ask the question of: what attitudes and beliefs do smokers and ex-smokers exhibit towards NRT? Barbeau, Burda and Siegel (2013) ask the question: do e-cigarettes present better efficacy results when compared against other NRT strategies? Thurgood et al. (2015) asks two questions. The first question is: what is the effectiveness of different smoking cessation interventions for patients with substance use disorders? The second question is: what is the impact of smoking cessation treatment on substance use outcomes? Garcia-Rodriguez et al. (2014) asks the question: What are the estimated relapse rates and predictors to smoking when using NRT among young adults? Chen et al. (2016) asks the question: What are the high-risk smoking behaviors and barriers to smoking cessation among homeless individuals? Hakim, Chowdhury and Uddin (2017) ask the question: What are the correlates of unsuccessful smoking cessation among adults in Bangladesh? Diemert et al. (2013) asked the question: What are the predictors of young adults smoking cessation behavior? The research questions from the eight selected journal articles are all concerned with smoking cessation, six of them focusing on NRT. There relevance to the current research is highlighted by the fact that they all address the same topic (smoking cessation) for the same population (young adults). As such, they will be useful in answering the present question of whether NRT is more efficient than other smoking cessation therapies to justify special attention from nursing personnel. nursing literature review essay example.

A comparison of sample populations

Buller et al. (2014) applied a quantitative research approach whereby a sample of 3,094 smokers was recru

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