A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners. The Selected Modality: Face-to-Face Training Reasons for Selecting Face-to-Face Training

The Selected Modality: Face-to-Face Training

Reasons for Selecting Face-to-Face Training

In this facilitation program, I target adult learners. The program was Introduction to Google and Google Classroom. Multiple factors triggered me to use face-to-face training in my workshop, Professional Development (PD) for teachers on Introduction to Google and Google Classroom. These factors include adult learning theories, fostering critical thinking, and boosting physical and social interactions.A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.

Adult Learning Theories  

First, I selected face-to-face training due to its multiple benefits to adult learners as indicated in adult learning theories. According to Herod (2012), although online interaction during a course is associated with some major benefits such as being cost and time-effective and easily manageable, a degree of face-to-face interaction is recommended. Face-to-face interaction facilitates the learning process among adult learners. The interaction allows the learners to share their views and ideas, which enhances their knowledge and skills. The use of face-to-face programs such as numerous regular meetings should be scheduled throughout the course based on available resources.A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.

Moreover, face- to -face training supports self-directed learning. Specifically, face- to -face training supports learner-centeredness or facilitated learning through collaboration between the trainers and the learners (Herod, 2012). This learning approach is effective since it adjusts to the learners’ needs and wants, thus equipping them with significant knowledge and skills. A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.During the workshop, face-to-face training supported the implementation of learner-centeredness, thus equipping the learners with knowledge about the introduction to google and google classroom,

Also, face-to-face training can support the properties of the process of learning. According to Mackeracher (2006), learning is a natural and dialectical process, which is characterized by an interactive dimension, transformative dimension, and constructive dimension. Face-to-face training supports these qualities effectively, thus facilitating the process of learning about the introduction to google and google classroom.A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.

Furthermore, face-to-face training supports the unique nature of adult learning. Unlike children, adults understand why they are learning a particular program, which boosts their motivation levels. According to Mackeracher (2006), learning is affected by strong emotions. Multiple cognitive processes in humans such as learning, perception, memory, attention, learning, problem-solving, and reasoning are affected by emotions. A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.In particular, attention is significantly influenced by emotion. Therefore, the attention of adult learners during the workshop was affected by their emotions. On the other hand, face-to-face interaction between the trainer and the learners boost the emotions of the learners. Thus, face-to-face interaction during the program boosted the emotions of the learners, which, in turn, facilitated their level of attention making them understand the introduction to google and google classroom.A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.

Finally, face-to-face training supports Project-Based Learning (PBL). Unlike children, adult learners are always interested in understanding how they will benefit from a particular training program. Adult learners are usually interested in the program with immediate application and benefits. For this reason, adult programs and courses should include as many real-world examples as possible. An effective sharing of these examples involves face-to-face communication. Consequently, face -to-face activities are blended in online learning (Kjærgaard, 2017). Similarly, I decided to use face-to-face training to explain to the adult learners the application and the benefits of the introduction to google and google classroom in their personal and professional lives.A Facilitation Program for Adult Learners.

Fostering Critical Thinking

Secondly, I choose face-to-face training due to its ability to foster critical thinking among the learners. Studies indicate that the concept of guided practice and scaffolding are effective in boosting critical thinking skills. The trainers assess the current thinking level of the learners and use it to guide them through the thinking process. One’s level of thinking is evaluated by initiating a dialogue with the individual through face-to-face

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