A Description of Tasks and Performance Indicators That Contribute to the Overall Employee Performance On the Job

The increased competition in various business sectors has led companies to explore strategies that can make them remain ahead of the rest in terms of either the goods they deal in or the services they offer to their customers and consumers. The implication is that consumers are continually presented with a chance to choose from a wide range of goods and services. In recent years, organizations have employed various strategies such as employee training and development, resource acquisition, and leveraging human capital (Arsawan et al.,2022). Human capital has been a common strategy since employees constitute the biggest asset that organizations have or possess. In addition, they play a critical role in the running of an organization’s functions, hence determining market performance. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to formulate a proposal focusing on performance indicators, rewards and incentives, and a plan for motivating employees.

A Description of Tasks and Performance Indicators That Contribute to the Overall Employee Performance On the Job

            It is important for organizations to ensure that their employees are achieving the organizational goals for organizational success. Such an aspect can be achieved by exploring various performance indicators and tasks. One of the indicators is teamwork. Employees who have the ability to work in groups dealing with various projects and initiatives can be good team players (Michael, 2019). Employees show the ability to effectively work in teams in various ways, such as helping in other roles when called upon, showing a positive attitude, appreciating other peoples’ ideas, and having the willingness to brainstorm and support other people’s initiatives.

The next indicator is how a person can complete a task competently. Competency and efficiency in task completion are demonstrated when an employee is capable of completing tasks as assigned with minimum errors and on time. Besides, they should also be able to complete such tasks under no or limited supervision. The other indicator is productivity, which can be used as a measure of an employee’s efficiency (Michael, 2019). For an employee to be considered productive, they need to complete the assigned tasks in time, give dependable results, display an ability to multi-task, and be in a position to prioritize tasks.

Identifying An Employee’s Strengths and Skills to Leverage Their Performance

            As earlier highlighted, employees are the most important asset of an organization. Therefore, it is important to appropriately identify their strength and skills to help leverage their performance. Such a strategy can be key to improving the organization’s performance. In addition, the strategy offers the managers a chance to play to the employees’ strengths and achieve individual and organizational goals and objectives (Elayan et al.,2023). Therefore, one of the strategies that can be used is carrying out a formal or informal interview and asking questions such as what the employee believes they add to the organization. The approach plays a significant role in understanding the employee’s perceived strength and value. The leaders can also check particular competencies such as tenacity, problem-solving, and communication, among others. Leveraging employee performance should come after identifying their strengths. Therefore, one strategy for leveraging employee strength is to select the best individuals to complete particular tasks. The approach gives the employees an opportunity to perform in their strong areas and achieve the formulated goals.

Providing Employees With Rewards And Incentives For Performance Improvement

            Organizations usually use various strategies to improve performance with the ultimate aim of profit optimization. Employee performance can significantly affect such aims. Therefore, organizations should use proven strategies to improve employee performance. Among the strategies that can be used to improve employee performance is creating and sustaining a culture of employee recognition (Michael, 2019). As part of the program, the organization’s leaders identify individuals who exceptionally carry out their tasks and reward them in the presence of every other employee. Such a strategy is likely to motivate other employees to work harder and achieve the same feat.

It is also important to use effective communication strategies such as listening to the employee’s grievances and complaints and acting upon them. Such a strategy will make the employees feel valued and par

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