A 13-year-old child, followed by her parent, came to the clinic. Patients undergo various episodes of depression. The patient’s mother insists that she has varying moods throughout the day. Often she shuts herself in her room for hours, saying she doesn’t want to be bothered. In most instances, she found her hallucinating, believing she was taking narcotics. Diagnosis: schizo-affective disorder. Treatment plan: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, cognitive behavioral therapy, and family therapy. Treatment and Diagnosis of PTSD Problems.

A 13-year-old child, followed by her parent, came to the clinic. Patients undergo various episodes of depression. The patient’s mother insists that she has varying moods throughout the day. Often she shuts herself in her room for hours, saying she doesn’t want to be bothered. In most instances, she found her hallucinating, believing she was taking narcotics. Diagnosis: schizo-affective disorder. Treatment plan: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, cognitive behavioral therapy, and family therapy. Treatment and Diagnosis of PTSD Problems.

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