5. Discuss methods used to influence change in policy in forms of competition, state legislative and executive branches of government and interest groups.


 According to Dur (2018), an interest group may use both new and traditional media, send leaflets to households, or hold a rally to have an indirect impact on decision making. Smith et al (2019) mentions that political framing is one method that can be used to reframe the current issues for APRNs practice and licensure, and this includes identification of the issue, consideration of the political frames of the parties involved, and reframing the issue. According to Smith et al (2019), nurses involved in legislative work must focus on gathering evidence from successful outcomes resulting from models of regulation with the goal of creating consistency in graduate nursing education to support the quality of care provided by APRNs. “Reframing is possibly by providing evidence to contradict falsities of inadequate training and unsafe care” (Smith et al, 2019,p. 762). Smith et al (2019) also mentions that successful reframing stems from utilizing a variety of channels to inform stakeholders and educating legislators, and some of these methods include grassroots communication, media campaigns, and direct engagement with legislators. External stakeholders can also be influential to help reframe the issue, which include health and hospital systems, patient’s advocacy organizations, and other health care provider associations (Smith et al, 2019). Smith et al (2019) emphasizes the great impact of building a coalition of both internal and external stakeholders to unite the voice behind legislative efforts. Some other methods for nurse advocates to assist with reframing the issue includes the use of templates for letter writing campaigns, social media messaging, scripting for legislative phone calls, advocacy training videos, and coaches/mentors at scheduled nursing lobby days (Smith et al, 2019). Other methods of intra professional collaboration include hosting local legislative receptions and schedule ongoing nursing presence at the capitol, writing letters to the editor, providing television and radio interviews, and using a centralized advocacy website for consumers (Smith et al, 2019)



American Medical Association. (2017). State law chart: Nurse practitioner prescriptive authority. Retrieved from https://www.ama-assn.org/sites/ama-assn.org/files/corp/media-browser/specialty%20group/arc/ama-chart-np-prescriptive-authority.pdf.

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