4. Explain the various approaches managers can use to build team performance

Approaches managers can use to build team performance

Having high-performing teams should be the goal of any organization. The internal performance of an organization is a great determinant of the effects it will have in the market. As a matter of fact, when the internal conditions are favorable to the teams, then success can be guaranteed. Below are some of the ways of improving the performance of teams.

Communication should be made a priority in an organization for the performance of the teams to improve. The management should make the employees feel free to express themselves so that their issues can be addressed.

Setting SMART objectives is a key factor for the organization to improve the competency levels of their employees. The teams are aware of what they are expected to achieve and the timeframes that have been set by the organization. The teams have to be consulted when these objectives are being set.

Managing conflict is one of the activities that have to be conducted effectively (Armstrong & Baron, 2020). This is because internal conflicts in an organization can easily ruin the reputation that they have been having, and this will make the customers refrain from doing business with them, making the organization incur huge losses.

Having an understanding of where the organization is and where they intend to be in the coming years are one of the most profound things that the management can do. This is because they will manage to direct the efforts of their employees so that they can achieve their set objectives.

Building on trust. The cornerstone of the success of any organization is trust. Once there is trust, the management will be able to spend less on supervision, and the teams will be able to work to their best since they are aware that their efforts will be fairly rewarded.


Group development is one of the most important things that organizations have to undertake. Groups help in achieving the set objectives of the organization. However, the stages of group development have to be well understood so that the management can know how to react responsibly at any stage. However, communication is one of the leading approaches that managers need to use in order to build the performance of their teams.


Armstrong, M., & Baron, A. (2020). Performance management. Human resource management, 69.

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