1.) What forms of verbal and nonverbal communication did the nurse use incorrectly?Therapeutic Communication Essay 2.) What would you do differently? 3.) How does therapeutic communication affect patient care? APA format, use scholarly article and follow the attached rubric.

Therapeutic Communication Essay

Therapeutic communication is the foundation of mental health nursing. It is how mental health nurses build therapeutic rapport. Watch the video below and answer each question that follows it.



1.) What forms of verbal and nonverbal communication did the nurse use incorrectly?Therapeutic Communication Essay

2.) What would you do differently?

3.) How does therapeutic communication affect patient care?

APA format, use scholarly article and follow the attached rubric.

Communication is an interactive process of transmitting information between a speaker and a receiver as stated by Townsend 2012.According to Townsend 2012, therapeutic communication is all about “caregiver verbal and nonverbal techniques that focus on the care receiver’s needs and advance in the promotion of healing and change” (p.153). Therapeutic communication plays an important role in providing holistic care to patients in general whereas to Psychiatric patients in particular.

Mr. X is admitted in private psychiatric unit I encountered a patient who was diagnosed with substance abuse with co morbid of antisocial behavior. I was taking history of patient suddenly the area Staff came and interrupted in conversation and state criticizing sentence to patient in front of me by which patient felt guilty. From my point of view it was not the proper way of communication.

There are different types of therapeutic communication. Two of them are verbal and nonverbal communications. According to Townsend 2012, verbal communication is that communication in which some body can speak some words to somebody while nonverbal communication is that in which the person himself does not speak some words but he shows his body language to convey or to send his message to his receiver. It is really difficult for us as health care providers to know about patients through any other way. One thing which helps in providing patient centered care is communication. Without communication it is not possible to know all the medical history of patient which is a building block of the care, by which health care providers find what, is the actual condition of the patient.Therapeutic Communication Essay

According to Townsend 2012, Therapeutic communication helps in increasing, exploration of feelings and faster understanding of behavioral motivation. It is nonjudgmental discourages defenses and promote trust. Therapeutic communication, a term coined by

Ruesch 1961, is defined as a purposeful form of conversation, serving as a point of human

Contact between nurse and client and allowing them to reach common health-related goal through participation in a focused relationship. Therapeutic conversations are similar to those

Used spontaneously in social communications, with several notable distinctions. Self-disclosure

By the health care provider is limited to meeting the health-related goals of the relationship. In

Contrast to social conversations, therapeutic conversations have a serious purpose related to

Improving the health and well-being of the client. Therapeutic conversations in health care are

Designed to help clients learn about their illness and how to cope with it, to comfort dying

Persons, and to assure them that someone is there to be with them and ease their suffering Therapeutic Communication Essay

Pearson, Borbasi, & Walsh, 1997. Therapeutic conversations help make illness bearable by reinforcing self-esteem and supporting the natural healing powers of a person Peplum, 1960. The purpose of therapeutic communication is to provide a safe place for the client to explore

the meaning of the illness experience, and to provide the information and emotional support

That each client needs to achieve maximum health and well-being. In many ways, the nurse

Functions as a skilled companion, using communication as a primary tool to achieve health goals

(Pearson, Borbasi, & Walsh, 1997).

According to Townsend 2012, culture values are differ from one another for example, in Northern areas culture the females meet their elders by hand shake pay salaam than kiss their hands in the sense of respect that is a behavior which is appropriate in that area.Therapeutic Communication Essay

The nonverbal showing of social status or power has suggested that high status seems through his gestures that communicate their higher power position such that, the less eye contacts have a more relaxed posture.

The environment where we live can effected the communication in the certain culture of interact some people who feel easy and reject to speak during a group therapy, sessions are conducted to discuss openly the problems privately one to one basis wi

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