1 Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement Jennifer McVey RN BSN Walden University: Masters of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner NURS 6050: Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health


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Legislation Grid Template

Use this document to complete Part 1 of the Module 2 Assessment Legislation Grid

and Testimony/Advocacy Statement


Bill Name S.44732 Healthcare Capacity for Pediatric Mental health

Act of 2022

Bill Number s.44732

Description The bill establishes programs to support the provision of pediatric

mental,emotional,behavioral and substance use disorder services,

particularly in underserved and other high needs

areas(Congress,2021).integrating and coordinating the provision

of services to meet community needs, workforce training, new

sites of care

Integrate mental health into their services, by building out more

telehealth and in person mental ,and emotional care options

Federal or State? federal

Legislative Intent award funding to children’s hospitals and other facilities that

provide pediatrics services




Senator Robert Casey Jr D-PA, senator Bill Cassidy, R- LA


Bill is still in the senate



undeserved and other high need areas for pediatric patients

Status of the bill

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