1. Historical, traditional and contemporary mental health narratives and discourses that shape the evolution of mental health services and nursing Historical, Traditional and Contemporary mental health narratives and discourses


The traditional, historical, contemporary mental health narratives and the discourses are the true representation that helps to display evolution shapes for nursing and mental health services. As per the view of Wistrand (2020), in recent times, there has been a clear recognition can be found regarding the considerable number who are facing several work-related distress and mental health issues. On the other hand, it has been found that nursing professionals are generally facing workloads and heavy responsibilities that shape the evolution of nursing and mental health services. Moreover, some complex reasons also have been identified like cultural beliefs and stigma, where the nurses have mainly adopted characteristics of several patients. The people or the patients are aware of some of the common kinds of mental disorders like anxiety and depression. However, they are more likely to talk about the nurses and health professionals and seek advanced treatment.

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Traditional, historical, contemporary mental-health narratives and several discourses generally help to recognize the overall process by certain social structures. It has been highlighted by McFerran et al., (2017), the effective social structures were generally constructed and it underlies that shapes the evolution of nursing and mental health services in Australia. The narratives based on the recovery from various mental health issues are mainly based on the establishment of an effective paradigm related to health practices and policies. The narrative synthesis is generally performed from the traditional and historical platforms which are essential for shaping the evolution of nursing and effective mental health services. However, Rapisarda & Miglioretti (2019) stated that the historical and traditional discourses are effective to understand the notion of several mental distresses that is caused by workload among the nurses. This is a kind of challenge which relates to cultural connotations that clarify the complexities present in mental discomfort for the patients and nurses. The views and attitudes towards psychopathology within the social community within the medical and mental health services have undergone a drastic kind of change (Bcmj.org, 2021). However, modern theories, supernatural causes are helping in recognizing the mental health issues and shaping the evolution of nursing.

On the other hand, the enhancement of various mental illnesses is mainly a unique form related to pathology (Oute, Tondora & Glasdam, 2018). Moreover, the official diagnostic systems for classification were adopted by the medical professionals to incorporate treatments. Therefore, the new avenues related to research spawned, and effective modem models, approaches and theories that incorporate psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy were generally established. They are essential and implemented in the clinical practices that shape the evolution of mental health services and nursing in Australia.

2. Historical as well as ongoing impact of discriminatory practices on marginalised groups

Marginalization is an experience and process, whereas also related to consequences concerning unequal power-related relationships where generally the dominant groups are privileged. As per the view of Zambrana et al., (2017), they are privileged in terms of those who are pushed and othered towards the peripheries or related with margins within the society’s mainstream. On the other hand, this kind of process explores the ongoing and historical impact based on the discriminatory kind of practices upon marginalized groups. Moreover, it generally involves multiple forms such as lowering of participation among the educational sector, exclusion, and within health care access. Reports have identified that this mainly leads to poor health of those of marginalized groups present in society and excluded from the facilitation of proper mental health services (Fallov & Birk, 2021). However, marginalization is kind of socio-cultural lenses which are essential for understanding why some of the groups present in the society experience disadvantage in getting effective mental health services. On the other hand, Naz, Gregory & Bahu (2019) stated that racial discrimination mostly denies those of the form of ethnic and racial minority backgrounds that helps in access the right to get essential mental health services.

The historical and ongoing impact of discriminatory practice on marginalised groups is mainly a range of practices and behaviours that resulted in avoidable and unfair inequalities related to mental health services. The marginalized groups related with both men and w

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