1. Describe how learning in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 1: Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles (Holistic Health & Patient-Centered Care). Provide at least two specific examples

. In my opinion, patient-centered care means that the patient is an equal partner who works together with the providers to develop the care plan. It considers a person's values, family and social situations, lifestyles, and health perceptions to ensure the needs are provided. Also, the patient's thoughts and decisions are essential keys to developing high-quality health services. During this class, I learned how to interact with the patient and family during visits in a way that helps gather information. For example, I will always be open when listening to the patients and families to collect the history of present illness and medical history. That information will aid me in understanding more about my patient's issue, background, or values. Therefore, gathering patient information is essential to connecting and developing adequate care. Moreover, in this class, I have learned how to

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