1 D025 - Task 1 AWM2 Performance Assessment  College of Health Professions, Western Governors University D025: Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles & Interpersonal Practice 


2 D025 - Task 1 AWM2 Performance Assessment Advanced Professional Nurse as Advocate Advanced professional nurses are advocates whether they are out in the community or if they are in the clinical practice setting. The difference between the two settings comes down to the resources needed for each type of setting. Another difference is how the nurse advocates for the patients in different settings. Community Setting The community setting requires the professional nurse to advocate for an at-risk population. They must analyze and study the at-risk population to determine their needs and set their goals. They can do this by ensuring they have or know about all the necessary resources. An article from the nurse journal discusses the five social determinants of health economic stability: healthcare access, social community, neighborhood and environment, education access, and quality (Morris, 2023). Those five things are crucial for the professional nurse to analyze when advocating for an at- risk population. In the community setting, the nurse advocates for the whole targeted population compared to the hospital, where they can advocate for an individual patient. An example, a nurse might advocate for lawmakers to keep a certain type of prescription medication cost down, like insulin. Hospital Setting The hospital setting requires the professional nurse to advocate for an individual patient using the hospital's resources. They can use resources like case managers and interdisciplinary teams to help create a patient care plan. By collaborating with the resources, they can advocate for their patient. In the hospital setting, the nurse advocates for the patient by being the patient's voice. They keep the interdisciplinary team informed on how the patient is doing since they are the ones that are around the patient the most. For example, they can guide the case managers and social workers about the patient's needs so they can be discharged (Houston Baptist University, n.d.).

3 Interprofessional Collaboration Effective communication and teamwork are two evidence-based strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration within an Advocacy Action Team (AAT). One book that I have found that was evidenced base said, "Effective teamwork and communication have been proven to reduce medical errors, promote a safety culture, and improve patient outcomes" (Christman,& Ernstmeyer, n.d., p. 267). The team must communicate effectively to have open communication to get input from the whole team, and allow everyone to feel their voices are being heard. Effective teamwork is huge for collaboration because it creates a positive environment that allows the team to work together and accomplish their goals. They can create plans and set goals when they work together. In addition, having effective open communication and teamwork also leads to building trust among the team. Trust is essential when working with a team and helps the team because it impacts key health behaviors and outcomes like treatment adherence or vaccine acceptance(Cope et al., 2022). Data-Driven Health Issue In Peoria County, Illinois, where I live, the health issue that affects an at-risk population is adult obesity.Peoria has one of the highest obesity rates in Illinois. Unfortunately, since 2021, Peoria County's obesity rate has increased. In 2001 it was 18% of the adult population obese, and now, in 2020, it has risen to 34% (U.S. News & World Report, n.d.).Adult obesity has serious public health, psychosocial, and economic implications for the adult population in Peoria, Illinois. The two leading causes of death in Peoria County were heart disease and cancer (US World & News, n.d.). Obesity is a comorbidity to both cancer and heart disease. Obesity can also lead to other issues like type 2 diabetes, strokes, sleep apnea, and other chronic diseases. As a result, Illinois is the 6th highest-ranked state for medical costs for obesity which is 3.6 billion dollars (Andriesen, 2022). The two biggest reasons that lead to obesity are poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. One of the most significant contributing factors is economically related. Peoria County has an unemployment

4 rate of 10.5% and a poverty rate of 15.6%, higher than the national average (US News & World Report, n.d.). The plan to fix obesity in Peoria County mainly revolves around access to healthy food, increasing employment, and physical activity. It also involves critical community members, including healthcare systems, local government, educators, schools, and other stakeholders, to collaborate and help lower obesity. Characteristics of At-Risk Population The two characteristics of the at-risk population are poverty and education. The poverty rate and unemployment rate are high in Peoria County. This makes it harder for people to afford and access healthy food. This also causes those people not to have access t

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