1 Child Health Case: Group B Walden University NURS-6512N June 2020 Case Study of a 5-year-old Asian girl of normal weight with obese parents who is home schooled

Childhood obesity has become a pandemic because the rate at which obesity is growing in America is at alarming rate and this is not just only American issue but applies to the rest of the world. Some of these can be blamed on easy access to unhealthy foods like fast-foods and increased sedentary way of life. The focus of this paper is discussing the health risk associated with this child, explanation on how to get more information in a sensitive fashion, further asking for more information from the child’s parent and to explain two strategies that could encourage the parents or caregivers to be proactive about their child’s health and weight

3 Based on my assigned case study, this is an Asian child that appears to be healthy even though her parent is considered overweight. It well-known that there are increased number of obese individuals amongst Asian migrants in United States (Gong, Wang, Li, & Alamian, 2019). These sudden increment in the Asian society can be directly linked to nutritional changes and cultural changes a low-calorie diet to high calorie food (Karasz & Bonuck, 2018). Also, dietary changes within the Asian communities has been directly linked to nutritional consumption of a higher calorie diet. Multiple studies have shown that Asian migrants tend to be born with low birth weight which is followed by a spontaneous weight gain in their childhood. So far, this child is not yet obese but based on genetic factors, she’s well on her way if proper precaution isn’t taken. Parental obesity is a risk factor in childhood obesity (Fuemmeler, Lovelady, Zucker, & Ostbye, 2013). As shown in this case study, these child’s parent is obese

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