
Understanding the Impact of the American Healthcare System Regulatory Acts

The American healthcare system’s regulations are represented by two acts that were formed in respect of the 1965 passage of Medicare and Medicaid. The first act, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also called Obamacare, came into force on March 23, 2010, after being signed by President Obama. The other act, called Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, works together with Obamacare Act to ensure that the population in need of Medicare or Medicaid receives better services. The acts have benefits and disadvantages for the people of America. The regulatory formed the act with the aim of improving health services. The two acts have made considerable improvements in the healthcare systems, and people do not worry because of treatment. The acts ensure professionalism in service delivery and availability of the required medical facilities.

Changes in Health Care Policy

The two acts had a profound effect on American healthcare systems. A lot of policies came into force, while some of the old ones were abolished. Many people felt the effect, especially those working in health care systems. The population carrying out health care private business also felt the effect of the acts. After the signing of the act, the taxes credit involved in buying insurance was raised. Other people, like senators who received exceptional care, did not receive it. The bills supported the abolition of special care to Senator Ben Nelson. The government also lowered the penalty for people without insurance coverage from $750 to $ 695. The taxation of the Cadillac healthcare plan will take place in 2018, while Medicare Part D closure will take place in 2020 with $ 250 compensation to the seniors. The doctors treating patients will be reimbursed at the full rate. The act also set Medicare taxation bills for families with an annual income of $ 250,000 and above. The act offered more to poor people. As of 2014, a company with 50 workers and above should offer coverage for the workers, and, in case of failure, it will receive a penalty of $ 2,000 for every worker in the company. Increment in Medicaid payments for doctors will take place in 2013 and 2014 to match the required Medicaid rate. The government will also pay the total Medicaid expansion cost until 2016, then 95 % in 2017, 94 % in 2018, 93 % in 2019, and 90 % in the following years. Medicaid patients will receive a discount on the cost of medical services. The Obamacare Act included many reforms, which were scheduled to take place beginning in 2010. Policies will be issued without the application of any medical condition and community rating. Insurance coverage should be provided to an individual without discrimination and corruption. Shared responsibility, also called individual’s mandate required, that each person, whether working in an organization or not, should take insurance coverage or else pay the penalty. The excepted people include members of various religious groups excepted by the act from taking insurance covers. The commencement of health insurance exchanges will take place in all states, with families below the poverty line receiving federal subsidies. Other reforms include Medicaid taxation for individuals above the poverty level. The annual and lifetime insurance policies will be burned with an introduction of the minimum standard establishment. The business, which will purchase insurance through the exchange, will get subsidies. These reforms, provided by the two acts, have managed to benefit Medicaid and Medicare populations.

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