
The 5 Components of a PICOT Question

It is important to understand the components of a PICOT question to come up with an appropriate PICOT question formula. PICOT is a mnemonic, meaning that it bears five main components.
  1. Population (P) - Who is the specific population? Where is the population? What is the clinical problem, issue, or health condition related to clinical care the population is facing?
  2. Intervention (I) - What is the evidence-based nursing practice intervention, treatment, or care management strategy?
  3. Comparison (C) - Who is the comparison population that will not receive the intervention?
  4. Outcome (O) - What are the anticipated consequences or clinical outcomes for the population that received the intervention?
  5. Time (T) - What length of time is the nursing intervention being performed for the patient/population to achieve the outcome?
For example, consider a question: Does handwashing among healthcare workers reduce hospital-acquired infections and associated risks compared to non-compliance to hand hygiene protocols? The question above has the PICO elements. Let's explore it further: (problem, patient, or population) - Healthcare workers (Intervention/Exposure) - handwashing (Comparison) - non-compliance with hand hygiene (outcome of interest) - reduced hospital-acquired infections and associated risks Given the 5 components, which you can list on your PICOT question template, you can then convert the components into a PICOT formula in the format below: In _________ (P), how does _________ (I) compared to _________(C) affect _______(O) within _______ (T)? In _______(P), what is the effect of _______(I) on ______(O) compared with _______(C) within ________ (T)? The scope of the formula will depend on the type of pattern you choose, as we shall explore in the next section.

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