
RUA evidence-based practice paper: Reduction of Risk potential Topic: Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)

A description of how the identified priority concept (topic) aligns with the NCLEX Client Need This topic correlates with my NCLEX client's need because when providing care to a patient, we want to remove the catheter as soon as possible to reduce the risk of developing a new problem and monitor the patient's urine output. According to Schlairet and Rubenstein (2019), NCLEX client need comprises the four needs categories included in a test plan. The main focus areas are; Health Promotion and Maintenance, a Safe, Effective Care Environment, Physiological Integrity, and Psychosocial Integrity. a. Providing a safe and effective care environment. In promoting safety, it is imperative to utilize a care bundle. A care bundle to prevent CAUTI mainly comprises of numerous interventions aimed at improving clinical manifestations, such as selecting the appropriate medical equipment and aids, guaranteeing hygiene and drainage system, determining a timescale for catheter removal, and determining if any alternative solutions may be provided in individuals with chronic urinary retention and uncurable incontinence (Perkins, 2022). An effective care environment means that a nurse should promote attaining patient outcomes by directing and providing nursing care that enhances the care delivery setting to protect patients and healthcare professionals. In managing Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI), it is essential for healthcare professionals to create an effective care environment. For this priority concept, nurses must advocate for the patients (Schlairet & Rubenstein, 2019). Advocating involves nurses spending more time with the patients to get to

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