
Recommendations That Can Be Put In Place to Strengthen Protection Practices for Health Information

Recommendations That Can Be Put In Place to Strengthen Protection Practices for Health Information To ensure breach of patients’ information privacy is minimised, the following measures can be further undertaken (This is in addition to the already existing mechanisms): Assignment 2: Appropriate Use of Health Information (Essay Paper) Conducting an annual security risk analysis Due to the constant changes in a health environment, for instance, employee’s turnover, restructuring and information technology, infrastructure enhancement among others, privacy of patient information may be vulnerable with time (Angst, Block, D’Arcy, & Kelley, 2017).  As a result, it is important to conduct a non-technical vulnerability check that identifies areas that need rectification. Remedies should be administered instantly (Angst, Block, D’Arcy, & Kelley, 2017). Besides, investing in protection awareness to the workforce since lack of protection awareness by the workforce is one of the worst risks that can be experienced in an organisation (Health Information Technology, 2017). As a result, it is important to conduct situational training, as well as tracking of what people normally do while in their respective stations in order to identify vulnerable areas.  Duty indicators, posters, monthly tips, screen-saver reminders among others, should be introduced to ensure that workers remember of their role in privacy protection. Assignment 2: Appropriate Use of Health Information (Essay Paper)   Conclusion In a recap, even though many health care institutions have embarked on measures to protect both electronic and paper documented patient information, breach of this information still happens in daily operations; whether as a result of negligent or accidental. However, it is very important to introduce policies that complement the provisions of different legislative provisions on privacy of information. Besides, strict adherence to these policies is important to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in healthcare provision. It is important to always bear in mind the importance of patient information confidentiality in order to safeguard them from the vulnerabilities of disclosure.   References Angst, C. M., Block, E. S., D’Arcy, J., & Kelley, K. (2017). WHEN DO IT SECURITY   INVESTMENTS MATTER? ACCOUNTING FOR THE INFLUENCE OF INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS IN THE CONTEXT OF HEALTHCARE DATA         BREACHES. MIS Quarterly41(3), 893-A8.

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