
Reasons for Improvement of Health Status in America by the Acts

Reasons for Improvement of Health Status in America by the Acts

The act will improve health care status in America because of many reasons. First, the government will fund Medicaid expansion up to 2016 with the provision of a certain percentage in the following years. This will ensure that Medicaid has enough facilities to affect its operations. The government will also make sure that the expansion takes place before 2019. Government involvement in the issues shows that the provision of the acts will not be compromised. Secondly, the acts require that every person should take health insurance coverage. This will ensure that all people in America have access to Medicaid and Medicare services. This will reduce the death rate and ensure the health of all people. Thirdly, the acts require that companies with over 50 employees should take cover for their employees. Fourthly, the acts will ensure low-class people get subsidies, and, finally, the acts are determined to ensure that discrimination in service provision does not take place.


The two acts work to reform health services. The acts promote financial, market and social issues. They work to assurance of proper and effective healthcare services. Every person should work to promote the provision of those acts. ? References 1. Arthur Feldman, (2012). Understanding Health Care Reform. Boston: Routledge. 2. Grace Budrys, (2011). Our Unsystematic Health Care System. California: California University Press. 3. Lawrence Jacobs, (2012). Health Care Reform and American Politics. New York: McGraw-Hill Press. 4. Luis Vivar (2011). Obama’s Health Care Reform 2010. New York: McGraw-Hill Press. 5. Staff Post, (2010). America’s New Health Care Law. Boston: Routledge.

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