
Question Types in the NCLEX-RN

The different question types for the NCLEX-RN include the following:

Extended Multiple Response

In Extended Multiple Response item types, test-takers can choose one or more options in Multiple Response Select All That Apply, select a specific number of items in Multiple Response Select N, or choose options from different groupings presented in a table in Multiple Response Grouping, with scoring rules based on the selected type. Extended multiple response may include the following formats:

Multiple Response Select All That Apply

The Multiple Response Select All That Apply item type allows test-takers to choose one or more answer options. It uses the +/- Scoring Rule, where selecting correct information earns points (+1), and selecting incorrect information results in points deducted (-1). The maximum points achievable are equal to the number of correct options, and the minimum score is 0, with no negative scores. The item must have a minimum of five options and can have up to ten options, with the possibility of all ten options being correct.

Multiple Response Select N

The Multiple Response Select N item type informs the test-taker about the specific number of items (N) that can be selected. The question provides a range of options, with a minimum of five and a maximum of ten options. It uses the 0/1 Scoring Rule, where each correct response earns 1 point, while any incorrect response results in 0 points.

Multiple Response Grouping

The Multiple Response Grouping utilizes a table to present options, with a minimum of two and a maximum of five groupings. Each grouping consists of a minimum of two and a maximum of four options, ensuring an equal number of options within each grouping. Test-takers are required to select at least one option from each grouping. The item follows the +/- Scoring Rule, meaning there is no negative score per grouping. The total score for the item is determined by summing the points earned within each grouping. The maximum score achievable equals the number of keys (N).


For this NGN item type, the test-taker is presented with information and must highlight specific parts of the information provided. Highlight question type include the following formats:

Highlight in Text

It involves a paragraph of information where the test-taker must select (highlight) specific parts of the text based on the question’s requirements. The item can include a maximum of ten options for selection and uses the +/- Scoring Rule.

Highlight in Table

The Highlight in Table item type involves a table of information. The candidate is tasked with selecting (highlighting) specific parts of the text within the table based on the question’s prompt. The item can include a maximum of ten options for selection. The table has two columns, including a header, and can have up to five rows. This item type uses the +/- Scoring Rule.


In the Matrix NGN item type, test-takers are presented with a grid-like structure to which they must respond. There are two variations: Matrix Multiple Response, where each column can have multiple correct responses, and Matrix Multiple Choice, where test-takers select one answer option per row. Extended multiple response may include the following formats:

Matrix Multiple Response

The Matrix Multiple Response item type consists of response columns, where each column can have multiple correct responses. The item can have between two and ten columns and four to seven rows. In each column, at least one response option must be selected, but it is possible to select one or more responses per column. The item follows the +/- Scoring Rule, with no negative score per column. The total score for the item is determined by summing the points earned within each column. The maximum score achievable is equal to the number of keys (N).

Matrix Multiple Choice

The item includes a minimum of four rows and a maximum of ten rows. It can have either two or three options/columns. Test-takers are allowed to select one answer option per row. The item follows the 0/1 scoring rule, where the test-taker earns 1 point for each correct response and 0 points for incorrect responses. The total score for the item is obtained by summing the scores over the rows. The maximum score achievable is equal to the number of rows.

Drag and Drop

In the Drag and Drop NGN question type, test-takers are presented with options to drag and drop into specific targets. There are two variations: Drag and Drop Cloze, where options are placed in response targets to complete sentences and Drag and Drop Rationale, where options are matched to causes and effects. Drag and drop may include the following formats:

Drag and Drop Cloze

The Drag and Drop Cloze item type includes a range of four to ten options. It can have one or more response targets where the options are dragged to. The item must have a minimum of one sentence with one target per sentence and up to five sentences, each with one target per sentence. The item follows the 0/1 Scoring Rule, where a correct response earns 1 point and incorrect responses earn 0 points. The total score is obtained by summing the scores across all targets, with the maximum score achievable being the number of targets.

Drag and Drop Rationale

The Drag and Drop Rationale type involves one sentence with one cause and one effect or one sentence with one cause and two effects. The sentence can be a single dyad (one sentence with two targets) or a single triad (one sentence with three targets). Each drag & drop target can have three to five options. The item follows the Rationale Scoring Rule where both answer options must be correct to earn a point.

Drop Down

The Drop Down question type in NGN includes three variations: Drop Down Cloze, Drop Down Rationale, and Drop Down in Table. Drop down may include the following formats:

Drop Down Cloze

The Drop Down Cloze item type presents one or two sentences of information that require completion using drop-down options. Each drop-down can contain three to five options. The item must have a minimum of one sentence with one drop-down per sentence and can include up to five sentences, each with one drop-down. The item follows the 0/1 Scoring Rule, where the score is calculated by summing the correct responses across all drop-downs. The maximum score achievable is equal to the number of drop-downs.

Drop Down Rationale

The Drop Down Rationale item type presents either one sentence with one cause and one effect or one sentence with one cause and two effects. Each drop-down can contain three to five options. The scoring follows the Rationale Scoring Rule, where X and Y must be correct to earn one point. The maximum points that can be earned are 1 point for a dyad (one sentence with two targets) and 2 points for a triad (one sentence with three targets).

Drop Down in Table

The Drop Down in Table item type presents a table of information with drop-down options located in various parts of the table. The item must have a minimum of three columns and three rows and a maximum of five columns and four rows. One column serves as the header column. Each row contains one drop-down. The item follows the 0/1 Scoring Rule, where the score is calculated by summing the correct responses across all drop-downs. The maximum score achievable is equal to the number of drop-downs

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