
PUB 540 Describe the characteristics and design of a cohort study

Cohort studies do not start with an outcome but starts with exposure first. Randomization is impossible because the controls and exposures have to be chosen based on similar characteristics such as age, gender, race, and other protected discriminating factors. Setia (2016) mentions that the participants do not have an interest of outcome because we are looking at the exposures and what outcomes can result from those exposures. The main goal of the cohort study is to look for any risk factors that resulted in the exposures that may result in unhealthy outcomes.


Setia M. S. (2016). Methodology Series Module 1: Cohort Studies. Indian journal of dermatology61(1), 21–25.

Sample Answer 4 for PUB 540 Describe the characteristics and design of a cohort study

Air Quality is an important study that helps a lot of people suffering from allergies and asthma. In Arizona, Phoenix has earned poor rankings for the nation’s most widespread air pollutants (American Lung Association, 2019). This report tracks exposure to unhealthful levels of ozone and particle pollution. I went this morning to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ) and today Phoenix’s air quality index is 97 and will continue to rise to over 108 this week (ADEQ, 2022). On Monday and Tuesday this week we have an Ozone High Pollution Watches for both days.

On the morning news every day they alert their viewers to the ozone and particle levels. Since moving to Arizona my sinuses are worse and so is my asthma. On forecasted dust storm days, I tend to stay inside and if I am out, it is just to go to and from my car inside to home or work. The following are recommendations that ADEQ suggests using to help reduce ozone pollution (ADEQ, 2022).

  • Drive as little as possible, carpool, use public transit or telecommute
  • Refuel your vehicle in the evening
  • Avoid waiting in long drive-thru lines, if possible
  • Use low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) or water-based paints, stains, finishes, and paint strippers – delay big painting projects
  • Make sure containers of household cleaners, garage, and yard chemicals, and other solvents are sealed properly to prevent vapors from evaporating into the air

Protecting the environment is everyone’s job.


American Lung Association. (2019). New Report: Phoenix Air Quality Worsened for Pollution. Retrieved from June 5, 2022

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. (2022). Air Quality Hourly Forecast | Phoenix. Retrieved from June 5, 2022

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