
Proposed Redevelopment of Provincial Jail of Batangas

The main problem with every jail in the Philippines is the lack of space for the inmates. According to the statistics released by the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, 76. 34 percent of jails in the Philippines are congested. This data clearly shows that there is lack of space for the both detainees and convicted criminals. Most of holding facilities are way beyond the original design capacity of prisons. This fact denies the inmates the basic right to sleep well. If our jails have more humane conditions in the heart of the holding facilities, major reforms in the criminal justice system could take place that could give prison inmates a chance at rehabilitation and a meaningful life after imprisonment. At present, most jails are poorly maintained and deprived of necessary health care facilities as well as work program facilities. Proper visitation facilities are also not available for the inmates. This essay could be plagiarized. Get your custom essay “Dirty Pretty Things” Acts of Desperation: The State of Being Desperate 122 writers ready to help you now Get Original Paper Without paying upfront These facilities are essential to programs to safely contain the prisoners and detainees. It is well known that in the early years of Philippine prison, it is the place where offenders are tortured and severely punished. In addition to the torment of the prisoners, the place was dirty and almost uninhabitable. In later years, misfits, beggars and vagabonds started to fill up the prison. In 1949, the Department of Justice issued rules for the treatment of prisoners that aimed to rehabilitate and reform the criminals and not just punish them. (According to “Albis, Madrona, Marino, Respicio” 1977, p. 3) It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic, of all things physical and metaphysical, of all things human and all things super-human, of all true manifestation of the heads, of the heart of the soul, that the life is recognizable in this expression, that form ever follows function. Prisons are no different. Providing human activity on multi-disciplinary environment includes architecture and law. From dungeons of medieval castle to cellblocks of modern times, tutelary architecture stands a symbol on how society see fit to discipline and rehabilitate those who go against the law.Modern prison bases their design on the idea of punishment as our predecessors did, such as severity and lack of privacy as well depravation of liberty. This implication of prison, however, leads to the heath of the inmates and as well as their living conditions paying the price.

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