
“Pro-life vs. Pro-choice: The Abortion Debate”

Abortion is one of the most debated issues that we face in our society. A citizen can decide whether they are pro-life or pro-choice, either way it will normally strike up a debate. Pro-life is a view that the unborn child has rights, just like his or her mother. They believe as soon as the child is conceived at conception, they are a human being. Pro-choice believes that the mother of the child, have the right to decide when to have children, if they get pregnant and it is unplanned, or they no longer want the baby they can choose to abort the baby. As we know, it is now legal to abort your baby all the way up to the birth date in New York. March for Life 2019-Washington D.C.- Full Video appeals to viewers sense of logic through use of real facts of how brutal abortion is, personal testimonies of women that either were going to, and decided not or did get an abortion, and appearances of famous pro-life advocates. When trying to persuade someone that is pro-choice and not pro-life it is important to include statistics and real facts of how brutal abortion is. When watching this video, it captured the true facts of what goes on in an abortion and how brutal it can be. There have been sixty million babies killed since the Roe versus Wade bill passed. Sixty-seven to ninety percent of those preborn babies have been diagnosed with down syndrome and have been chosen to die. Children that need maybe the little bit of extra love than the a-typical child. Children with mental disabilities are so special, sometimes they are more thoughtful than most “normal” children. Just because a child will be born with a genetic disease does not mean we are saving it from hardship, we are still killing another human being. Every child is a gift from God. He has a plan for them as well. In Jerimiah 1:5, it states “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” So even before, a child is conceived, God had a plan for their life. As Mia Love said in the video “Every time we kill a child, we strip ourselves of potential.” When Mia was speaking about this, she was explaining how God has a plan for each child. You do not know if that child is going to be the next president, or the doctor who finds a cure for Alzheimer’s or cancer, or maybe just a child that makes a huge impact on another child. We cannot except the “what might have been”. We need to think of what that child could do, and not the past and the what could that child have done to change the world. As Mother Teresa quotes “Abortion is a crime that kills not only the child, but the conscience of all involved.” Mother Teresa foresees the results of such unashamed immortality. By legalizing such acts of murder opens anyone who participates or stands for abortion to the self-indulgence of immortality and lack of ethics.

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