
NRS 415 Reflect on your personal and professional values and conscious or unconscious biases that influence your leadership style

Personal and professional values and conscious or unconscious biases affect one’s leadership style in different ways. In this reflective discussion, I explore my leadership style as influenced by personal and professional values, and biases; both conscious and unconscious, and its effects on relationship dynamics and the management of conflicts.

My personal and professional values are intertwined and have a significant effect on my leadership style. My leadership style is influenced by personal values that include respect, trust, developing dependable relationships, kindness, empathy, integrity, and honesty. I believe in continuous learning and innovation. Professionally, I value efficiency, organization, integrity, effective communication, collaboration, and having an inclusive workplace (Collins et al., 2020). Diversity and inclusion are core aspects of addressing biases that can impact one’s perspectives on issues. Acknowledging and addressing unconscious biases is essential to foster fairness and an equitable leadership model.

My leadership strengths include collaboration and teamwork, effective communication, interpersonal relationship skills, and analytical attributes that allow me to understand others. I strive to develop a teamwork approach to situations and promote a sense of belonging for employees. Conversely, my weakness is being too ambitious and expecting all people to work like myself (Day et al., 2020). Being demanding of others makes it difficult to work with them in a better way.

My leadership style is mainly transformational I believe that building a team culture requires investing in people, especially their skills. Transformational leaders build teams to attain a common goal through enhanced creativity and new ideas. Therefore, my leadership style has a positive effect on my relationship dynamics as it allows me to handle individuals from diverse backgrounds by understanding them better. Through this approach, I take an inclusive approach to conflict management, especially between patients and healthcare providers (Northouse, 2020). Conclusively, personal and professional values have a significant impact on one’s leadership style or approach and team dynamics.


Collins, E., Owen, P., Digan, J., & Dunn, F. (2020). Applying transformational leadership in

nursing practice. Nursing Standards, 35(5), 59-66. DOI: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11408.

Day, D. V., & Antonakis, J. (2020). The Nature of Leadership Development. Annual Review of

 Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 1-24.

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