
NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children

For a Family Nurse Practitioner, perhaps nothing says “family” more than babies, toddlers, younger children, budding teens, and older adolescents transitioning into adulthood—or already parents themselves. No question these vast differences add to the immense knowledge required of an advanced nurse practitioner in pediatric care.

To help manage and organize that knowledge, the course is presented in 4 modules, with the first 3-week module devoted to growth and development. You will explore the spectrum of typical development and causes of disruptions and delays in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, and separately, in school-age children and adolescents.

The remaining 8 weeks of the course examine major body structures and systems, and related pediatric conditions you may evaluate and manage in your practice. Module 2 addresses conditions of the eye, ear, nose, and throat (EENT), respiratory and cardiovascular, and skin. Module 3 covers gastrointestinal, renal and genitourinary, and hematological and metabolic, including endocrine, conditions. Module 4 wraps up with musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, as well as behavioral and mental health issues in children and adolescents.

For each topic, the Learning Resources provide foundational background on human development and specific conditions, clinical guidelines, peer-reviewed articles, and expert websites. These readings and media offer detailed support for assessing, evaluating, diagnosing, treating, and managing pediatric conditions.

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Six of the next 11 weeks offer practice in applying content and evidence-based strategies with i-Human Patients. Think of the i-Human platform as your virtual office, where you will meet pediatric patients of particular ages, genders, races, and ethnicities, with their accompanying family members. For each patient, consider the value of understanding family socio-cultural background in pediatric healthcare, from accurate assessment to creating meaningful, doable treatment and management plans.

Lastly, the course contains layers of formative and summative assessments for measuring your grasp of key content and concepts. From the Knowledge Check in each module, to the Midterm and Final exams, the assessments contribute solid practice for the Family Nurse Practitioner certification exam. Good luck in advancing your nursing skills and knowledge toward this goal!

Course Summary:

Wed May 29, 2024Discussion Topic Week 1: Discussiondue by 10:59pm
Sun Jun 9, 2024Assignment Week 2: Assignmentdue by 10:59pm
Sun Jun 16, 2024Quiz Week 3: Knowledge Check Quizdue by 10:59pm
Sun Jun 23, 2024Assignment Week 4: Assignmentdue by 10:59pm
Fri Jul 5, 2024Quiz Week 6: Knowledge Check Quizdue by 10:59pm
Sun Jul 7, 2024Quiz Week 6: Midterm Examdue by 10:59pm
Sun Jul 14, 2024Assignment Week 7: Assignmentdue by 10:59pm
Sun Jul 21, 2024Assignment Week 8: Assignmentdue by 10:59pm
Sun Jul 28, 2024Quiz Week 9: Knowledge Check Quizdue by 10:59pm
Sun Aug 4, 2024Assignment Week 10: Assignmentdue by 10:59pm
Fri Aug 9, 2024Quiz Week 11: Knowledge Check Quizdue by 10:59pm
Sun Aug 11, 2024Quiz Week 11: Final Examdue by 10:59pm
Assignment Turnitin Drafts

My name is Tanya Martin. I have been a registered nurse for fifteen years, and I live in Chicago. Since my registration as a nurse, I have served in various roles, including Telemetry, ICU, Telehealth, Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON), and Manage of Care (MOC). I have worked with MOC at Cook County Health Plan for the past eight years. Recently, I decided to further my education by registering for this course, which I believe will provide me with knowledge, understanding, and skills to further my competence.

I have developed close ties with the latter engagement. My passion is evidenced by the quality of services I deliver, as demonstrated by the positive reviews I receive from clients. My greatest strength as a nursing practitioner is demonstrated by my empathy for my patients. Being empathetic demands practitioners to share their patients’ feelings and concerns, ensuring they deliver medical interventions resonating with their conditions and facilitating their recovery (Ornaghi et al., 2020). Also, I am enthusiastic when executing my duties. I have compassion for my job as a nurse, which motivates me and makes me enjoy every phase of my duty to my patients. However, I encounter numerous challenges, including burnout from attending to many clients. This situation results in fatigue and burnouts from long programs and the many clients I serve. In addition, I suffer from the challenge of lacking a proper working team to support innovation. According to Semerci et al. (2024), the field of Family Nurse Practitioners suffers from the inability to establish cohesive, functional, and supportive teams, hence the failure to perform up to the expectations. This shortcoming impedes advancements that can trigger the healthcare department’s ability to offer quality services.

My career goals and objectives resonate with my roles as a Family Nurse Practitioner. At its core, I intend to be a competitive professional based on my ability to execute my top-level duties. In this regard, I plan to engage in Professional Development (PD) by advancing my career through enrolling in an institution of higher learning. PD will facilitate increased knowledge of the current and effective nursing practices, familiarize nurses with the recent and advanced technologies used in their field of specialization, and improve communication skills (Mlambo et al., 2021). Undertaking PD will be beneficial in making me competitive by improving my nursing skills and knowledge. Also, I need to focus on realizing work-life balance, ensuring I balance my commitments to work and time spent with my family. This objective will be beneficial in facilitating improving my mental well-being and overcoming burnouts that reduce my effectiveness. This course will help me improve my competitiveness, hence being part of my PD. By undertaking this course, my knowledge and skills in Family Nursing Care will improve, thus increasing my capacity to perform and execute my duties effectively.

In conclusion, my years as a nurse have laid influential groundwork to facilitate knowledge and skill accumulation. My current knowledge is both learned and acquired through experience and interactions with other professionals. I intend to increase my expertise in the Family Nurse Practitioner field to improve my ability to execute my duties and responsibilities more effectively.


Mlambo, M., Silén, C., & McGrath, C. (2021). Lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing professional development, a metasynthesis   of the literature. BMC Nursing20(1). to an external site.

Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., & Grazzani, I. (2020). Empathy in Toddlers: The role of emotion regulation, language ability, and maternal emotion socialization style. Frontiers in Psychology11 to an external site.

Semerci, R., Ekim, A., & Ocakçı, A. F. (2024). Challenges experienced by pediatric nurses in the process of developing innovative products: A qualitative study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing75, e28–e33. to an external site.

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