The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) initiative is still very relevant as it secures the right that everyone has at an equal opportunity for employment, no matter what race, age, religion, or gender they may be (EEOC, 2023). Sexual orientation, and pregnancy are protected as part of EEO. Its relevance pertinent as it aids in preventing discrimination in the workplace and promotes the equal treatment and fairness among all employees. The EEO is applicable in all types of work situations, such as firing, hiring, training, promoting, and providing benefits (EEOC, 2023).
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is another initiative that is still very relevant today. For eligible employees, it provides them with the ability to take unpaid leave to either care for family or for personal medical reasons (, 2023). This is important for ensuring realistic needs for employees who may needs to take time off for themselves or their family members without the fear that their job is in jeopardy. This initiative acknowledges the importance of personal health as well as family.
EEOC. (2023). Overview. US EEOC.,%2C%20and%20sexual%20orientation)%2C%20national (2023). The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). USAGov.