
How to write a SOAP note


SOAP notes are a helpful method of documentation designed to assist medical professionals in streamlining their client notes. Using a template such as SOAP note means that you can capture, store and interpret your client's information consistently, over time. You probably already know this, but SOAP is an acronym that stands for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan. Each letter refers to the different components of a soap note and helps outline the information you need to include and where to put it. Even though SOAP notes are a simple way to record your progress notes, it's still helpful to have an example or template to use. That's why we've taken the time to collate some examples and SOAP note templates we think will help you to write more detailed and concise SOAP notes.

SOAP Note Acronym

Subjective (S): The client's perspective regarding their experience and perceptions of symptoms, needs, and progress toward treatment goals. This section often includes direct quotes from the client/ patient as well as vital signs and other physical data. Objective (O): Your observed perspective as the practitioner, i.e., objective data ("facts") regarding the client, like elements of a mental status exam or other screening tools, historical information, medications prescribed, x-rays results, or vital signs. Assessment (A): Your clinical assessment of the available subjective and objective information. The assessment summarizes the client's status and progress toward measurable treatment plan goals. Plan (P): The actions that the client and the practitioner have agreed upon to be taken due to the clinician's assessment of the client's current status, such as assessments, follow-up activities, referrals, and changes in the treatment.

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