
For this assignment, we ask that you consider your nursing practice at a point in the future - say 5 or 10 years from now. What would the practice environment look like at that time in terms of information and communication technologies? Which of the information and communication technologies that you have explored in this course would you like to see in practice at that time and why? In this short paper you should: • Identify an information and communication technology that you envision being used in the future. What is the technology and how will it be used? • Describe the impact to client care associated with the technology? How will it improve quality of care? Strengthen patient safety? • Discuss actions required for the successful integration of this technology into nursing practice. What education or training is required to use the technology correctly? Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 1 • Provide a clear description of the technology (4 marks) • Articulate the anticipated impact of the technology on nursing care (4 marks) • Include a detailed plan for integration of the technology (3 marks) • Provide evidence of application of course concepts from Units 1, 2, and 3 and references to sources (e.g., journal articles, web-based materials) beyond those offered in the course materials (3 marks) • Demonstrate scholarly format including: o 3-4 pages in length excluding title page and Reference list (1 mark) o Scholarly language and professional tone (1 mark) o Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation (1 mark) o Effective introduction and conclusion (1 mark) • Include accurate APA (7th edition) formatting including: o Title page, headings, and subheadings (1 mark) o Reference citations and reference list (1 mark)

ost Card from the Future
A POST CARD2 The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA, 2009) as cited in (CNA, 2017) defines Nursing Informatics as “The science and practice that integrates nursing, its information and knowledge and their management with information and communication technologies to promote the health of people, families and communities worldwide” (p.1 ).It is very evident that in the era that we are living in now, communication technology is evolving, not just for personal use but, it is now widely seen being used in health care. The advances in technology are now changing the way that healthcare providers deliver care to their patients. The use of technology such as mobile computing allows nurses to manage their day-to day tasks and alter the way they interact with other healthcare professionals. The purpose of this paper is to identify an information and communication technology device that I would love to see being utilized in the nursing field in the near future. First, I will define what the mobile computing technology device, “Tablet” is and describe how it will be utilized in health care practice. Next, I will describe how this technology will impact client’s care. Finally, I will discuss the actions that will be needed for successfully transition of the use of tablets into clinical nursing practice

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