
Explain the role of both the health care organization and the health IT vendor and explain your rationale.

Explain the role of both the health care organization and the health IT vendor and explain your rationale. When it comes to health information technology, both the health care organization and the vendors have their roles to play. Health care organization must be prepared to do their homework on a potential system. This can include researching which organizations are using it, what is the satisfaction level on the systems, what are common issues, and what ways have people and the vendors established to combat those issues. There is a lot of preparatory work to do prior to establishing a new health IT system, and if the organization is lazy about it or does not take it seriously, it can cause large errors in the future. For example, if a health IT system has been chosen (i.e., EHR), then a committee should be set up consisting of those in the profession that would be using the product. There should be representation from all who would be involved in the new electronic health record, and training, feedback and a probationary period similar to a test trial in a few departments should be established so that the organization could get a strong feel for the product. This would allow management to know if the product is a good fit for the organization and have people in the organization trained so that they can help to implement the program. Vendors should be transparent about their product to organizations interested in purchasing them. They should have certain information readily available like, which products work best in what types of organizations and the capabilities they can offer to augment existing systems. Also, Vendors should offer an agent to be the point of contact for the health care organization during the implementation. This would help facilitate its introduction and help with any issues the organization might incur at the start.

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