
Examples of PICOT Questions

Examples of PICOT Questions Before we get into PICOT Question Examples, let's define what a PICOT question is. PICOT is an acronym that can help you develop a clinical inquiry and lead your evidence search. Using this approach can help you identify the best evidence faster and more efficiently. The PICOT question format is a standardized "formula" for creating researchable, responsive questions. When you write a good one, the rest of the process of gathering and analyzing evidence becomes much easier. P: Population/patient - age, gender, ethnicity, people with a particular disease I: Intervention/indicator (Variable of Interest) - illness exposure, risk behavior, prognostic factor C: Comparison/control - could be a placebo or "business as usual" in the absence of disease, lack of risk factor, or prognostic factor. B O: Outcome - illness risk, diagnostic accuracy, and the frequency of unfavorable outcomes T: Time - the amount of time it takes for an intervention to produce an outcome or the length of time participants are monitored Not every question will contain an intervention (as in a meaning question) or time component (unless it is mentioned in another portion of the question). NEED HELP WRITING? ORDER YOUR HEALTHCARE PAPER RIGHT NOW!

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