
Example: PICO(T) Question and Search Strategy

Example: PICO(T) Question and Search Strategy

PICO(T) Question Example:  "In adult cancer patients experiencing fatigue (P), what is the effect of meditation (I), compared with standard care (C), on quality of life (O) within 6 months (T)?" Building a Database Search Strategy for the PICO(T) Question: 
  • A well-built PICO(T) question forms the basis of a database search strategy for finding research literature.
  • Concepts from the PICO(T) question are used to construct a comprehensive database search strategy with search terms describing each relevant component of the PICO(T).
  • Relevant elements of your PICO(T) question can be used to develop a "starter" list of keywords (including synonyms) to use in a database search. Most commonly, the most important parts of a PICO(T) question for searching are the P, I, and O.
  • After developing a "starter" list of search terms, you can then begin brainstorming your search strategy for combining terms with OR or AND, and using other techniques such as a truncation (i.e. a keyword search for letharg* will also find articles with the term lethargic or lethargy):
PICO(T) Elements Example Starter List of Synonyms and Search Terms Initial Keyword Search Strategy
P - Patient/Population/Problem Adult cancer patients experiencing fatigue Cancer Neoplasms Oncology Tumor Tumour Malignancy   Fatigue Tiredness Lethargy Exhaustion cancer* OR neoplasm* OR oncolog* OR tumor* OR tumour* OR malignan* AND fatigue* OR tired* OR letharg* OR exhaust*
I - Intervention/Variable of Interest Meditation Meditation Mindfulness Breathing Relaxation Yoga Guided imagery meditat* OR mindful* OR breath* OR relax* OR yoga OR "guided imagery"
C - Comparison (may be "standard care" or "usual care") Standard care Not needed as a search term
O - Outcome(s) Improving quality of life Quality of life Quality of living Life quality Well-being "quality of life" OR "quality of living" OR "life quality" OR well-being OR wellbeing OR "well being"
T - Time 6 months Not needed as a search term

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