
Evidence Based Practice Nursing Examples

Evidence Based Practice Nursing Examples As earlier observed, the importance of evidence-based practice nursing approach can be examined from the arising benefits. These benefits can be illustrated through various evidence based practice nursing examples in care delivery. Accordingly, evidence based practice nursing examples can be on an array of areas. That noted, a good example of evidence based practice in nursing could be as discussed below.   Alarm Fatigue Alarm fatigue has been cited as one of the major care area where benefits of evidence-based practice in nursing can easily be demonstrated.   Alarm Fatigue among Nurses It has been observed that there are numerous alarm sounds in a nurse’s care environment. The numerous alarms can make nurses become desensitized to sound. In this, nurse care environment is characterized by alarms from infusion pumps, beds, ventilators, cardiac monitors, etc. Nonetheless, despite the importance of such alarms, 72-99% of the alarms are not related to an emergency. Patient deaths have however resulted from alarm fatigue, e.g. the Boston case-alarm volume had been turned off. Turning off the alarm was associated with alarm fatigue.   Evidence-Based Practice on Alarm Fatigue Healthcare facilities should bring together teams to conduct a study on alarm fatigue. Such a study could be guided by the below questions: 1. What are the different alarm types relied on by nurses and in what areas? 2. What different alarm levels exist (low, medium, or high)? 3. What are the frequencies of these alarms? 4. What process do nurses take to respond to alarms? 5. What are the obstructions to response to alarms?   The information gathered using the above questions could be used to generate protocols that ensure effective patient monitoring. For instance, evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare indicate that some of the strategies from such a study that could be adopted to address alarm fatigue may include:   1. Daily change of electrodes: Quality improvement projects have adduced evidence indicating that daily ECG electrodes change can help avoid unnecessary alarms.   2. Adequately prepare the skin for electrode placement: Proper skin cleaning before placement of an electrode can help reduce impedance, decrease signal noise, and improve conductivity. Using water and soap to clean the skin and excessive hair clipping can lessen artifact and improve skin-electrode interface.   3. Alarm customization to suit patient needs: Alarms reduction can be realized by customizing alarm ranges for specific patient needs.   Besides alarm fatigue, there are other areas where evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare is applicable. On this, other areas to explore for evidence based practice nursing examples may include: 1. Infection Control 2. Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurement in Children 3. Oxygen Use in COPD Patients 4. Intravenous Catheter Size and Blood Administration 5. Catheter-associated UTIs 6. Bloodstream infections that are central line-associated 7. Ventilator-associated pneumonia 8. Early mobilization of patients who have been hospitalized 9. ICU-acquired delirium prevention 10. Prevention of venous thromboembolism  

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