
Do you agree that, when implementing a health care information system, patient safety is a partnership between the health care organization and health IT vendor? Why or Why not?

Do you agree that, when implementing a health care information system, patient safety is a partnership between the health care organization and health IT vendor? Why or Why not? Patient safety is a partnership between the health care organization and health IT vendor. The truth is, that thanks to health IT, new areas of patient safety are now a concern. Vendors use many resources to gather feedback on their product, and are continuously making updates to correct areas which are of concern or could cause issues in the future. Vendors are always looking for software glitches, bugs, deviation from standard workflows, substandard designs, and a combination of these. The issue is that many vendors do not release their findings to organizations or the fixes/updates they have made. Many laws protect them from disclosing this information, like proprietary data, but the truth is that there have been errors found that have contributed to patient safety issues but have not been disclosed. This is because vendors do not want to risks a bad reputation on their products, even though these findings and mistakes could help the health care industry learn a great deal. However, many vendors are working with health care organizations to ensure that their products are working and error free. While vendors may want to limit the information about the errors their systems may have caused or contributed to, it is in their best interest to keep an open line of communication with the health care organizations they do dealings with. This is because they offer valuable information about the bugs they have noticed, and improvement suggestions from the medical providers who use the system every day. The best vendors are the ones who work closely with health care organizations to deliver the best and safest products possible

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