
Discussion of Mitigating and Aggravating Factors That Influence the Board’s Level of Discipline

Discussion of Mitigating and Aggravating Factors That Influence the Board’s Level of Discipline

In this case, the pharmacy is indirectly involved in illegal activities. It is a separate entity from Dr. M.G, who has alleged to be involved in narcotics trafficking, but since the pharmacy has been engaged in erroneous and unlawful activities, it has faced the law too. The Board could look into why Dr. M.G. had been involved in drug trafficking in the first place. The doctor may have had financial problems, and thus, she took this move in a desperate attempt to meet her needs that she could not meet earlier. Perhaps, the pharmacy itself needed to be made aware of the illegitimate activities within the premise. This means there were few individuals in the pharmacy involved in this scam, not the pharmacy in general. Action should be taken against these specific people who participated in the scam to avoid tarnishing the pharmacy’s name. On the other hand, the doctor’s involvement with the trafficking of narcotics is against the rules and regulations of the country. Therefore, she should be prosecuted appropriately and strict measures to be taken against her. The fact that these drugs might have been harmful to some of the clients to whom the doctor had prescribed the unnecessary drugs would only be just if the perpetrator were judged accordingly. The pharmacy was involved in a scam that might have put the patient’s health at risk, and thus, the pharmacy must also be revoked its license to dispense drugs to patients.

Prediction of the Outcome of the Case

The Board will likely revoke the license of Ross Medical Pharmacy. Seung-Yul Kim, the head of the pharmacy, should also have her license suspended for allowing illegitimate activities to be run in her pharmacy contrary to the laws of the Board. Seung-Yul Kim should also pay the Board of Pharmacy a sensible amount that they have used to investigate and enforce the case. Dr. M.G should also be prosecuted according to laws and fined an amount equitable with the losses she had brought to the pharmacy and the risk she had caused to her patients’ health.

Takeaways Applicable to My Future Practice

I have mastered from this case that pharmacists and the pharmacies they work in have been entrusted with the responsibility of dispensing drugs that are appropriate for the patients, and these drugs must be medically and pharmacologically beneficial to the patients. Pharmacists must ensure that the right drugs are prescribed and dispensed to the patients. Pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that the rules and regulations pertaining to controlled drugs are followed precisely. If any harm is inflicted on the patients, the pharmacist is responsible for that, and they are liable to prosecution. Pharmacist has a major role in ensuring the safety of their clients. Therefore, they play an important role and have responsibilities in the healthcare system. ? References 1. Rickles, N. M., Wertheimer, A. I., & Smith, M. C. (2010). Social and behavioral aspects of pharmaceutical care (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 2. Strandberg, K. M. (2011). Essentials of law and ethics for pharmacy technicians, third edition (pharmacy education series) (3d ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press

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