
Discuss an evidence-based intervention to address the gap between the available healthcare resources and the resources needed to address the SDOH. Include one scholarly, evidence-based source published within the last five years to support the discussion. 1. Explain how this evidence-based intervention will decrease the resource gap, including one specific example.

D1. RESOURCES EXPLANATION Currently, Westminster does not have a drug rehabilitation facility or a men’s center. Both resources would provide critical needs for the 25–34-year-old males suffering from opioid addition. A 25–34-year-old male with economic instability needs support to overcome the challenges the face with having an addiction. Providing these individuals with shelter, food, clothing, and the tools necessary to live with addiction can lead to better outcome. E. EVIDENCE-BASED INTERVENTION To close the gap for the healthcare resources available to individuals with economic instability, adding “evidence-based family and school prevention programs to existing efforts to reduce poverty in order to address the adverse social environments that often accompany poverty” (Van Ryzin et al., 2018) is needed. Providing families in poverty with additional resources to help them break the cycle of poverty intergenerationally begins in the home. The entire family needs support to improve the quality of life and it is not about giving a family additional money to survive. It is about providing them with tools to survive. E1. RESOURCE GAP The Parent Management Training – the Oregon Model (PMTO) is a” parent training program for recently-separated, single mothers with sons aged 6-10”. The program gives mothers the tools to raise their boy(s) with effective parenting practices. The result of the program led to less arrests of the boys after nine years and that the boys were 60% less likely to commit a crime by age 14. The program also increased the standard of living for the families participating (Parent Management Training: The Oregon Model - Social Programs, n.d.).

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