
Difference between Nursing Student Resume and Professional Nurse Resume

Difference between Nursing Student Resume and Professional Nurse Resume

There are several differences between a nursing student resume and a professional nurse resume. The biggest difference is that a nursing student writes a nursing student?s resume to get an entry-level nursing position. In contrast, a professional nurse writes a professional nurse?s resume to get a nursing job (junior-level, mid-level, or senior-level). In most cases, professional resumes are written by certified practicing nurses, such as Registered Nurses, Emergency Room Nurses, Travel Nurses, Nurse Educators, NICU nurses, Geriatric Nurses, etc. The second biggest difference is that a nursing student's resume is usually shorter than a professional nurse's resume. A nursing student's resume is usually short because the individuals who write such resumes often have less education, qualifications, experience, and certifications than those who write professional nurse resumes. The last difference between the two types of resumes is that nursing student resumes tend not to include referees, but professional nurse resumes often include them.

Steps to writing a Nursing Student Resume

Follow the steps below to write the perfect nursing student resume.

1. Identify a format to use

There are many ways you can write a nursing student resume. The different ways are called formats. You must choose a single format to use to write your nursing student resume. And you must make sure that the format is simple, easy to understand, and professional. If you choose a format that is casual or non-professional, it is very unlikely that your resume will be strongly considered. If you do not have a preferred format, use the format provided near the end of this post.

2. Provide your full name and your contact information

The first items of information that should go into your resume are your name and contact information. So write down your full name at the top of your resume and include your contact information, your address, your mobile number, and your email address. Whatever resume format or template you choose, you should ensure it has your name and contact information at the top. This will make sure that anyone interested in contacting you can quickly get the details they need to do so.

3. Provide a resume summary, aka nursing student resume objective

Not all nursing student resumes have a resume summary section. While a resume summary is not mandatory, it is a good thing to have in your resume. This is because it is a place to highlight your qualifications for the job you are applying for. Your resume summary should include a maximum of two sentences describing your top skills, your career goals, and what makes you an asset.

4. Highlight your certifications and licensure

As a nursing student, you most likely do not have an RN license number. If you have it, this is where you should list your license and your number. Even if you do not have an RN license number, the fact that you are now writing a nursing student resume means you are most likely a senior nursing student. This means you must have some certifications. List all the relevant ones in this section.

5. Highlight your skills

This is where you highlight all the wonderful nursing student resume skills you have gained so far in your nursing profession journey. You should include both your soft skills and your hard skills. Soft skills are self-acquired traits such as time management, critical thinking, and communication skills. While hard skills are industry-related skills such as sterile dressing changes, oxygen titration, and head-to-toe assessments. When highlighting your skills, you should describe them to give recruiters a better picture of what you are talking about.

6. Provide your education details

All types of resumes have a section where you are supposed to enter your education details. You should provide your education details beginning with your most recent degree. You should highlight the name of the degree, the school, the years attended, and the location. When providing your education details, you may be tempted to include your high school details, but they are usually unnecessary. Only include them if asked by a recruiter or potential employer.

7. Highlight your clinical experience

Every resume worth its salt has a section where you are supposed to highlight your experiences. You should specifically highlight your clinical experience in the experience section of your resume. Mention where you worked, what you did, and how long. Only include between three to four relevant work experiences, and make sure you clearly state what you did (your responsibilities). This is what recruiters are interested in knowing about your experience.

8. Add achievements and affiliations

Have you gotten any achievements or accolades over the last two years? If yes, you should include them in your student nursing student resume. They will make your resume stand out. If you are affiliated with any professional group, you should highlight your affiliation in this section. If you have membership or leadership contributions to the student nursing association, it can be a great piece of information to feature in your resume. Any other achievements and affiliations in nursing school also matter. How to List Education and Experience in the Student Nurse Resume The best way to list education is in reverse chronological order. This means you should start with the most recent education experience and then the second most recent, and so on. The case is the same with clinical experience. You should start with the most recent experience, followed by the second most recent experience, and so on.

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