
Cyber Bullying in the modern technological era Essay

In the modern technological era, there has been increasing reliance of internet for personal recreation and business. Internet technology has transformed how people live and conduct business. It has become a virtually indispensable tool in education, entertainment, government, and business world (Willard, 2007). While it has become critical in the daily lives of adults, the internet has also become a major part of the children’s lives. Children use the internet for education purposes, online communication and social networking. Even though the internet technology affords children very useful avenue to learn, communicate and build relationships, it also opens possibility of technology misuse by children and by other users against children (Martin and Keith, 2005). The internet has brought a new form of bullying known as cyber bullying, which has increasingly become a new emerging problem in today’s world. Cyber bullying is defined as the use of the internet technology to threaten, target, embarrass, or harass another person. It should be noted that cyber bullying relates to young people and particularly among the children; when an adult is involved, the definition of cyber bullying changes to cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment (Brown et al, 2006). This paper will discuss cyber bullying and in particular select an academic organization that has cyber bullying program. It will describe the program, when it was founded, why it was founded, its mission statement, and how it works. Martin Springer Institute is one of the educational organizations that have a cyber-bullying program. The college has developed a comprehensive cyber bullying program to prevent bullying in the college. The program was developed in 2006. It was developed with the view of addressing the problem of cyber bullying that had become rampant among colleges and grade schools in the United States. The college has developed cyber bullying prevention resources that are aimed at protecting students from cyber bullying, as well as enabling the college to address the problem of cyber bullying as and when it arises. The college offers a variety of cyber bullying prevention resources which include books, Annual Bullying Prevention Conference, Advisements and Connections, and DVDs and films to promote discussion on all forms of bullying including cyber bullying. The program provides the basis upon which students can learn about cyber bullying, report bullying to the college administration, and punishment of cyber bullying (Martin Springer Institute, 2012). The college offers a selection of resources about bullying prevention. These resources provide students, parents, teachers, and general public with information about cyber bullying and how to deal with this problem. The resources offer information on how to respond to cyber bullying. In addition, it provides cyber bullying prevention guides for public, parents, students, and teachers; the guide is designed to enable these categories of people to take advantage of what has been studied and accomplished over the years regarding prevention of cyber bullying. This guide provides the college’s community and the public with information about how cyber bullying has been perpetrated in the society therefore helping them know its various dimensions. Along with that, it provides information on how different schools and colleges have responded to different cases of cyber bullying (Martin Springer Institute, 2012).

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