
Common Capstone Project Ideas for Nursing

Common Capstone Project Ideas for Nursing

If you are lacking the capstone project ideas for nursing, feel free to check out the list of the topics developed by our nursing experts. We assure you that by picking up one of the topics suggested below and developing it into a well-researched paper, you will be able to reach the expected outcome.
  1. Benefits and shortcomings of breastfeeding.
  2. What are the mechanisms of medical policy development in a community?
  3. Select a particular diabetes prevention program and discuss it from different perspectives.
  4. Do you agree that stroke patients should be readmitted? Explain your answer.
  5. Reducing STD risks by health interventions.
  6. Patient advocacy: advantage and disadvantages.
  7. The essential challenges in the inpatient setting.
  8. An analysis of the current tendencies in public health advocacy in rural areas.
  9. The role of nursing in enhancing HPV awareness.
  10. Lyme disease: potential ways of treatment.
  11. Irritable bowel syndrome: ways of management.
  12. What are the challenges of nursing management towards health issues in women?
  13. Discussion of various approaches to sleep disorder management.
  14. Importance of healthcare interactions in ADHD and bipolar disorder in children.
  15. The important instruments that should be familiar to novice neurosurgery practitioners.
  16. Dementia behavior in elderly patients.
  17. Discuss the relation between nursing certification and nursing competence.
  18. Analyze the ways for advancement of nursing care management
  19. Investigate the concept of nursing risk management: disaster preparedness training and efficient safety procedures.
  20. Analyze the relationship between the quality of patient care and long hospital shifts.
  21. Do you agree that home transfer can negatively impact the physical and mental health of a patient? Explain your answer.
  22. Analysis of the effectiveness of nursing training in dealing with elderly patients and other perspectives of geriatric care management.
  23. Discuss the importance of the right nursing preparation in emergencies.
  24. What are the instruments of efficient treatment of obese patients?
  25. Discussion of the nursing strategies in treating emotional health problems.
If you want to learn more about the criteria for choosing the right topic, let us provide you with some guidelines. To bring you a good grade, your topic should be:
  • Relevant to your field of study. By choosing such a topic, you will find it easier to show your nursing competence;
  • Important. You will impress your instructor if you write your project on a topic that will be based on a significant world problem. The project that will suggest an efficient solution to the problem will be assessed with the highest grade;

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