
Capstone Project Topics on Nursing Burnout

Capstone Project Topics on Nursing Burnout

Nurses are the most important cog in the wheel of healthcare. If you are passionate about administrative or human resources management in nursing, you can select these nurse burnout topic ideas for your capstone. Whether you are writing an MSN, BSN, or DNP capstone project, these topics are suitable. Remember to select an idea that interests you, one which can lead to your specialization.
  1. Causes and consequences of pediatric nurse burnout
  2. Predictors of nursing burnout in ED
  3. Occupational, psychological, and physical impacts of nursing burnout
  4. Prevalence of burnout among psychiatric nurses
  5. Burnout and the attrition rate among nurses
  6. Burnout syndrome in psychiatric oncology nurses
  7. Burnout in the Gastroenterology unit nurses
  8. Impacts of increasing patients on burnout among critical care nurses
  9. Burnout among the NICU nurses
  10. Work and Health Correlates of Sleep Quantity and Quality Among Correctional Nurses
  11. What is the effect of a stress-reduction intervention on correctional nurses work-related quality of life
  12. Burn out syndrome among medical interns
  13. Coping strategies for nurses experiencing burnout
  14. The link between workload and burnout among nurses
  15. Burnout Syndrome in Paediatric Nurses
  16. Prevalence of burnout, depression, anxiety, and stress in Australian midwives
  17. The Impact of Personal Religious and Spiritual Beliefs on the Mental Well-Being and Burnout of nurses
  18. Nursing burnout and quality of care
  19. Impacts of 1x1 meetings on nurse burnout
  20. The link between nurse burnout and patient satisfaction
  21. Strategies to prevent burnout syndrome among nurses
  22. How to assess burnout among nurses
  23. Can AI be used to assess burnout among nurses?
  24. Role of job shadowing and rotation in solving burnout among nurses
  25. Yoga as a self-care approach and strategy to prevent burnout
  26. Snack and Relax a strategy to address nurses' professional quality of life
  27. Effect of communication skills training on the burnout of nurses
  28. A brief mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention for nurses and nurse aides
  29. Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral interventions in reducing occupational stress among nurses
  30. Impacts of nurse leader mindfulness meditation program in stress management
  31. Effects of the professional identity development program on the professional identity, job satisfaction, and burnout levels of nurses
  32. Impact of a meaning-centered intervention on job satisfaction and quality of life among palliative care nurses.
  33. Development and application of an overcoming compassion fatigue program for emergency nurses
  34. Impacts of support groups and coping to reduce nurse burnout
  35. Mindfulness training and burnout prevention among oncology nurses
  36. Passage meditation reduces perceived stress in nurses
  37. Explore Role of the Nursing Manager During a shortage of Nursing Staff in Elderly care home
  38. Exploring the role of Nurses antimicrobial stewardship programme in reducing antibiotics misuse and antimicrobial resistance

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