
Assess your performance in documenting your findings on the electronic health record (EHR).

Assess your performance in documenting your findings on the electronic health record (EHR). What did you find easy or difficult about navigating through the documentation of the history and physical within the system? While navigating through the EHR, one of the challenges was remembering to document all the findings in each section of the assessment since I had to navigate to a different page to document in the EHR. Did you document all required components in the case? Describe two strategies to improve your performance in the next Virtual Patient Encounter. I did document all the required components of the case. I found that documenting the findings on each section as I go, rather than waiting to remember everything at the end, this strategy helps to ensure that pertinent findings are documented to inform diagnosis and treatment. Another strategy is to keep personal notes on all the pertinent findings so that as I navigate to the EHR section I will have the details of my findings readily available and not omitted

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