
Assess your performance in determining key findings and identifying the most significant active problem.

Assess your performance in determining key findings and identifying the most significant active problem. I thought identifying the key findings was simple once I asked the correct questions during the HPI and performed the physical exam correctly. The challenging part for me was organizing the key findings to find the most significant active problem (MSAP). For some reason I kept thinking cough was the MSAP since that was the patient’s chief complaint. I had the key findings listed correctly, but cough was not the MSAP. After performing the case study a few times, I understood why fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit would be the MSAP because that is what is observable to the nurse practitioner. The active fever is the number one problem right now and what we need to control in the moment, the other problems fall under the active fever and support the diagnosis. To enhance my performance on the next iHuman, I will take more time looking at the key findings and try to distinguish what is the most serious problem within them. I could also list the problems on a word document and determine which key finding should be the MSAP

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