
Assess your performance in creating and documenting a problem statement within the iHuman case. What did you find easy or difficult about creating the problem statement?

Assess your performance in creating and documenting a problem statement within the iHuman case. What did you find easy or difficult about creating the problem statement? Creating and documenting the problem statement within the iHuman case was a bit challenging for me because this is a new ‘territory’. I was worried that I would miss important components, rendering the problem statement incomplete. How did your problem statement compare with the expert’s response provided? Compared to the expert’s response, my problem statement was missing some information from my assessment findings, as well as pertinent details that needed to be pulled from the EHR such as significant vital signs. Describe two strategies to improve your performance in the next Virtual Patient Encounter. Strategies for improvement in the next patient encounter are to make sure to review EHR for pertinent findings to include, as well as to identify and include both subjective and objective information in the problem statement.

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