
Assess your performance in creating and documenting a management plan within the iHuman case. What did you find easy or difficult about creating the management plan?

Assess your performance in creating and documenting a management plan within the iHuman case. What did you find easy or difficult about creating the management plan? I was more comfortable creating and documenting the management plan in this specific iHuman encounter. Being a little more familiar with influenza helped me to easily identify that the focus should be on symptom management since there is no cure for the flu. How did your management plan compare with the expert’s response provided? My management plan compares well to the expert response provided, except for educating the patient on why anti-influenza medication is not indicated at this time. Describe two strategies to improve your performance in the next Virtual Patient Encounter. One way to improve my performance in the next virtual patient encounter would be to ensure that I carefully identify areas or opportunities for patient teaching and education. Another important aspect is to ensure that there is a clear follow-up plan for the patient with specific instructions on medications, such as maximum daily dose

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