
Assess your performance in creating and documenting a management plan within the iHuman case.

Assess your performance in creating and documenting a management plan within the iHuman case. Developing the management plan was the hardest part of the iHuman case study for me. I did not find anything about developing the management plan easy for my first try. I wrote that the patient should take Tylenol for pain and fever, but I did not put a dosage, route, or frequency in the plan. I also did not categorize the management plan between pharmacologic care, supportive care, patient education, diagnostic testing, or follow-up/disposition. I forgot to put a reference in my first attempt because I had not read through the rubric in detail at that time. I also did not discuss vaccination status in my management plan. After iHuman generated their management plan, I understood the documentation much better and how to form a plan. My final plan listed everything the iHuman plan required plus even more information to ensure that the patient was well taken care of. I am still a little confused about the management plan and what exactly goes into setting it up. I am unsure if it should be outlined as a SOAP note or if it should look like what the iHuman management plan generated for us. I look forward to receiving my grade for the iHuman case study and seeing how I did. I plan to practice formulating management plans between now and the next iHuman case study. I will search the internet for scholarly sources of examples of management plans. I have also been critiquing my management plan from this specific case study and trying to make the documentation process easier and less stressful for next time.

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