
 Answer for NURS 8503 Week 8 Assignment 2 Data Collection and Plan for Analysis

Data collection involves gathering qualitative and quantitative data on particular variables to evaluate the outcomes or obtain actionable insights. Effective data collection needs a clear process to ensure the data is error-free, consistent, and reliable. Data collection guides decision-making, strategic planning, and research (Sadan, 2018). After data is gathered, it is cleaned, modified, and processed in a process called data analysis to obtain actionable, pertinent information that guides in making informed decisions. The purpose of this paper is to describe the organized data collection and plan for data analysis for the practicum project.

Data Collection

The practicum project is a staff education project that seeks to train new grad nurses on diabetic ulcers. Data collection will be conducted using a questionnaire, specifically pre-test and post-test questionnaires. The pre-test questionnaire will be administered to the training participants before the training. It will seek to gather data on the participants’ knowledge of diabetic ulcers on aspects like risk factors, assessment, nursing management, prevention, and patient education (Innes-Walker et al., 2019). After the training, the new grad nurses will be administered a post-test questionnaire, which will collect information on the knowledge obtained from the training (Damery et al., 2021). The data from the two questionnaires will be compared to measure the impact of the training in improving new grad nurses’ knowledge scores in diabetic ulcers, particularly the aspects of diabetic ulcers that will be covered in training.

Plan for Analysis

The responses from the pre-and post-test questionnaires will be analyzed to establish if the training has bridged the knowledge gap on the management of diabetic ulcers. The synthesis will be performed using SPSS statistical tool. SPSS is the statistical software of choice because it offers data analysis for numeral outcome predictions, descriptive statistics, and identifying groups (Sadan, 2018). The software also provides for data transformation and graphing to manage data smoothly.

Assessment of Scorecard

The project’s scorecard aimed to measure the performance of the staff training project. It has helped to get a comprehensive insight into the project and turn its vision into actionable and measurable steps. The scorecard is functional since it has helped to communicate the project’s objective to the project team and the practicum setting. In addition, it communicates crucial components of the project, including specific milestones and the actions to channel resources to achieve the desired objective for the project (Sharaf-Addin & Fazel, 2021). The scorecard has measured what it was intended to measure, including the achievement of the critical milestones. For example, it has helped establish that we have achieved milestones like conducting a literature review and developing a lesson plan. Besides, it shows the tasks needed to achieve the remaining milestones of implementing the training program and evaluation.

The project’s dashboard is a tool used to monitor performance and shows the key performance indicators pertinent to the project’s success. The project metrics in the dashboard have enabled the project team to use real-time data to assess the project’s overall performance and progress and identify potential problems (Sharaf-Addin & Fazel, 2021). I have managed the project dashboard by measuring the performance of high-level, long-term objectives of the staff training project.


Data collection for the staff training project will be through pre-and post-test questionnaires. The responses from the two questionnaires will be compared and analyzed to establish if the project’s aim has been achieved. Data analysis will be conducted using the SPSS statistical tool since it provides descriptive statistics. The project’s scorecard is still functional and is used to communicate the project’s objective to the project team and measure the achievement of the project’s critical milestones.NURS 8503 WEEK 8 Assignment 2 Data Collection and Plan for Analysis.edited


Damery, S., Flanagan, S., Jones, J., & Jolly, K. (2021). The Effect of Providing Staff Training and Enhanced Support to Care Homes on Care Processes, Safety Climate, and Avoidable Harms: Evaluation of a Care Home Quality Improvement Programme in England. International journal of environmental research and public health18(14), 7581.

Innes-Walker, K., Parker, C. N., Finlayson, K. J., Brooks, M., Young, L., Morley, N., … & Edwards, H. E. (2019). Improving patient outcomes by coaching primary health general practitioners and practice nurses in evidence-based wound management at on-site wound clinics. Collegian26(1), 62-68.

Sadan, V. (2018). Data collection methods in quantitative research. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education18(2), 58.

Sharaf-Addin, H. H., & Fazel, H. (2021). Balanced Scorecard Development as a Performance Management System in Saudi Public Universities: A Case Study Approach. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 17(1–2), 57–70.

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