
Answer for NURS 8503 Week 6 Discussion 3 Speed Bumps and Pitfalls 

  • Explore the Learning Resources concerning implementation.

The most common implementation of evidence-based practice is to aim and provide the most effective care that is available, with the aim of optimizing patient outcomes. Patients expect to receive the most effective care based on the best available evidence (University of Canberra, 2022). Under psychiatry setting, patient altered mental status and their ability of making medical decision should be one of the most common issues that affect evidence-based practice.

Data collection can be challenging as well:

  • Inconsistent data collection criteria.
  • Background variable of data collection.
  • Data collection is not core to designated function.
  • Complexity of time frame and variables.
  • Lack of training in data collection strategies.
  • Lack of quality assurance supervision.
  • Changes to definitions and policies and maintaining data comparability(
  • Identify the speed bumps and pitfalls you have experienced thus far in your implementation.

Under psychiatry setting, the speed bumps and pitfalls are often related to the change of mental status, and then patient is not able to fully responsible to own treatment. Some of the causes of altered mental status include long-term use of psychotropic medication, infection, trauma, metabolic changes, and toxic ingestion. In addition, causes of altered mental status are related to toxic ingestion or trauma (Patti, Gupta, 2022).

Corporation pitfalls:

  • Not actively listening to patient needs, treatment goals, and priorities.
  • Getting caught up in time constraints and resulting into financial and resource waste.
  • Being disconnected, lacking clinician empathy.
  • Providing overly or deficient complex patient education.
  • Excluding social supports from the conversation (Heath, 2020).
  • Consider how you have supported your implementation through these obstacles.

Obtaining Power of attorney should be valid support for the scenario that patients lost ability to make medical decisions for themselves.  Generally, the roles of power of attorney give one or more persons the power to act on your behalf as your agent. The power may be limited to a particular event, such as closing the sale of your home, or be general in its application. The power may give temporary or permanent authority to act on your behalf (AmericanBar, 2022). Under medical setting, POA lets patients giving someone legal authority to make important decisions about their medical care. These decisions could be about treatment options, medication, surgery, end-of-life care, and more (Freewill, 2021).


AmericanBar. (2022). Power of attorney.

Freewill. (5/10/2021). What is medical power of attorney?

Laryssa Patti, Mohit Gupta. (5/1/2022). Change in mental status.

Sara Heath. (9/25/2020). 4 Pitfalls to Avoid in Nurse Communication. (10/18/2020). Data Collection Challenges and Improvements.

University of Canberra. (3/22/2022). Evidence-based practice in healthcare.

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